Metal Gear Wiki
Metal Gear Wiki
Forums: Index Watercooler I'm gonna bail.

Sorry guys, but with all the spoilers being posted here, I'm gonna go ahead and bail. It's getting to the point where it feels like people just want to ruin this for us for no reason. I've been waiting for this game for seven years now, and I don't want it ruined. I'll see you all after June 12th, as soon as I'm done with MGS4. --Fantomas 22:33, 6 June 2008 (UTC)

Yeah it sucks when people spoil the game by posting spoilers.--Richard 22:35, 6 June 2008 (UTC)

Sorry to hear about that. I look forward to seeing ya when you get back.
If anyone else wants to go on holiday I'll be here to make sure the place doesn't descend into Chaos. One thing I've been wondering about is whether we should use warnings. I think some of these spoilers may have been accidental and we don't want to discourage people from editing once the game has come out. If someone tries a second time(repeat offenders will have a warning on their talk page) to post a spoiler then we can ban them.
--Drawde83 23:41, 6 June 2008 (UTC)
Warnings sound like a good idea. I'm for it - Selo 23:57, 6 June 2008 (UTC)
You okay about spoilers, Drawde? That's incredibly noble of you, and I applaud you. Thanks for doing that for us. As for warnings, go for it. The second guy I banned, was only for one week, as I was unsure what to do. I'll be gone, so as far as I see it, it's your decision now. Thanks again, take care of this site. She's like my baby. --Fantomas 00:00, 7 June 2008 (UTC)
Not really, but practically it's going to be difficult to avoid anyway So I might as well (I'll try and forget anything I see as quickly as possible. :-) ) --Drawde83 02:43, 7 June 2008 (UTC)