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V Log site

V Logs on the official site. Note that the V Logs that haven't been unlocked yet are listed as "confidential."

The V Log is a series of short videos published on the official Konami YouTube channel and the official Japanese site for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. They are published as a viral marketing campaign for the impending release of the game. The series started on August 5, 2015, the same day The Phantom Pain was shown at Gamescom 2015, and there are at least 20 videos planned. Videos that have yet to be released yet are instead marked as confidential with a black and white thumbnail of various documents and maps (referring to some intel Snake had to scan to find Miller as well as various other objective). They only premier on weekdays (ie, Monday-Friday). It was initially intended to end with the release of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, although it was extended by a single episode. Three additional episodes were aired on the 24, 25, and 28, the first two dealing with the Chicken and Hiyo Bracket caps respectively, and the last featuring tips on operating in FOB mode. Even though V Log was only on the Japanese site, the video was alluded to on the online notification board on September 29 2015 on all versions. Three more videos were later released on October 7-9, the first being an interview with one of the Motion Caption actors, Dante Carver, as well as the second FOB tips video and a video revealing Snake speaking in the Kansai dialect, an easter egg that was exclusive to the Japanese versions of the game for obvious reasons. On October 13 and 16, two more videos were released, one involving sliding down with a Cardboard box, and another for showing how to use cassette tapes as a distraction. On October 19, 23, and 30, as well as November 24, the focus shifted to FOB infiltration-related elements, namely implementing defense settings, using a cardboard box as a distraction, weapons customization, and upgrading security measures/how to counter those if infiltrating. On December 8, 2015 and January 15, focus shifted again, this time to stuff relating to Metal Gear Online. More specifically, the first dealt with implementing Party mode for MGO, and the second dealt with an announcement for a new map.

In each episode, snippits of gameplay footage from various sources are utilized depicting certain gameplay mechanics. It then ends with a screen with the words V Log and a counter counting down before settling on the appropriate number, as well as a title screen for the game and the Japanese release date before ending with the Konami screen (given in a high-pitched voice due to it being a Japanese-based video). Even though the videos were Japanese-exclusive, the actual footage itself was taken from the English demos, with the exception of V Log 006, V Log 009, V Log 012 V Log 016, V Log 017, and V Log 019 which were instead taken from the Japanese TGS 2015 demo (and in the case of the last one, the Japanese Free Play demo). Every release after that was given Japanese audio.

The V Log segment returned on October 30, albeit altered to resemble the color of the logo for Metal Gear Survive. Similar to in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, the V Logs for Survive were primarily dedicated to showcasing gameplay elements for the then-to-be-released Survive. In addition, unlike Metal Gear Solid V, the videos are also released and localized outside Japan via the PEGI (Episodes 1 and 2) and ESRB (for the rest of the V Logs) rating system. In addition, with the exception of V Logs 1 and 5, each video was released on a Thursday. There were six videos released total.

Metal Gear Solid V Episode listing[]

Note, these titles are translations of the Japanese titles.

V Log 001: The Box![]

Subtitle: (潜入の幅が拡がるダンボールアクション?)

The footage depicts Snake using the cardboard box in various ways to fool or dispatch the enemy, including hiding, popping out to tranquilize an enemy, placing a fulton on them while still wearing the box, having the box pose as an enemy's superior officer, and creating a foldout depicting a risqué image of a scantily clad woman, with Snake escaping from the side while the soldier is distracted with lusting after the woman. The footage was originally used in the Demo of a Box video.

  • Air date: August 5, 2015

V Log 002: Fulton![]

Subtitle: (様々なものを自分のマザーベースに回収できるフルトン?)

The footage depicts Snake using the Fulton on various things, including two Soviet soldiers, a sheep, D Horse, and the puppy that would become D.D. The footage was taken from both the E3 2014 demo (the Soviet soldiers and sheep portions) and the TGS 2014 demo (D-Horse and DD).

  • Air date: August 6, 2015

V Log 003: Arm![]

Subtitle: (さまざまな機能が備わった、スネークの左腕に輝くバイオニックアーム?)

The footage depicts Snake luring a soldier by "knocking" with his bionic arm and then knocking him out. The footage itself was taken from the E3 2014 demo, although the transition of the soldier going to investigate was sped up slightly.

  • Air date: August 7, 2015

V Log 004: Emergency Avoidance[]

Subtitle: (敵の攻撃を避けたり、物陰に隠れる際には緊急回避?)

The footage depicts Snake doing various dodge maneuvers for various things, including avoiding being caught, evading various explosions caused by launchers, evading gunfire, quickly leaving a box, and evading searchlights. The footage was taken from the E3 2014 demo (Snake evading a patrol by ducking under a bridge during the day), the TGS 2014 demo (Snake dodging an explosion and gunfire, the Gamescom 2014 demo for Afghanistan (Snake evading a searchlight by ducking under a bridge), The Man in Box Demo (Snake leaving the box), and the Gamescom 2014 Mother Base FOB mode (Snake evading a rocket launcher at the end of the footage).

  • Air date: August 10, 2015

V Log 005: The Reflex Mode[]

Subtitle: (敵に発見されても焦らず、落ち着いて狙おう?)

The footage depicts Snake entering reflex mode when being spotted by an enemy, including just after Fultoning a 4x4, while traversing through a sandstorm, and ambushing a soldier at night from a dumpster. The footage is taken from the E3 2014 (4x4 and sandstorm reflex modes) and Gamescom 2014 demos (dumpster reflex mode).

  • Air date: August 11, 2015

V Log 006: Decoy![]

Subtitle: (バルーンを展開して敵の注意を引き、おびき寄せることができる?)

The footage depicts Snake throwing a decoy in the jungle, then luring a soldier over to it and then sneaking behind the soldier and knocking him to the ground just as he destroys the decoy. The footage itself was taken from the TGS 2014 Japanese demo, although the transition between Snake throwing the decoy and his ambushing the soldier is sped up slightly. Because of this, the characters are speaking in Japanese.

  • Air date: August 12, 2015

V Log 007: Active Sonar[]

Subtitle: (見通しが悪い場所でも、周囲にいる兵士や動物を検知?)

The footage depicts Big Boss using the Active Sonar in the jungles and then finding various elements in there from far away. The footage was taken from the TGS 2014 demo.

  • Air date: August 13, 2015

V Log 008: Instructions for buddypress[]

Subtitle: (なんと馬糞で敵を無力化できる?)

The footage depicts Big Boss encouraging D-Horse to defecate on the road. He then gets far enough away and watches a jeep collide with the pile of feces, spinning out of control and leaving the soldiers dazed. Snake then sneaks up on the jeep and proceeds to Fulton it. The footage itself was taken from Gamescom 2014, although the portions where Big Boss is fleeing to a far away hiding spot and his traversing to the jeep were sped up slightly.

  • Air date: August 14, 2015

V Log 009: Buddy (buddy) growth[]

Subtitle: (最初は小さかったDDも成長し、立派な相棒(バディ)になります?)

The footage depicts Big Boss discovering a puppy following him and then throwing an active decoy to distract the puppy, then the puppy catching up with him, Miller calling in, and then Big Boss fultoning him back to Mother Base, Big Boss being affectionate with DD when he gets back to Mother Base, and DD fully grown about to board the chopper with Big Boss to undergo his first mission as well as looking at his master. The footage was mostly taken from the TGS 2014 demo's Japanese version, as well as the Diamond Dog video that aired around the same time. However, the active decoy used in the footage was actually the alternate Big Boss device instead of Lisa from Silent Hills which had been the case originally. The characters speak in Japanese, for the same reason as V Log 006. In addition, the video had a somber musical piece playing throughout that was not in the original demo.

  • Air date: August 17, 2015

V Log 010: Nice combination![]

Subtitle: (クワイエットが敵兵士のヘルメットを飛ばし、すかさずヘッドショット!?)

The footage depicts Quiet and Big Boss in Africa, with Quiet in sniping position. A soldier then spots Snake, only for Quiet to take him out via a sniper round while Snake shoots him with his pistol just after his helmet flies off from the sniper round. The footage itself is taken from the TGS 2014 demo, although the portion where Quiet shoots a sniper round into the soldier's head is looped a few times for emphasis before Snake fires his handgun. It is also the only V Log so far to not play the usual ending theme, as the looping bit ends up humorously playing a Mexican salsa musical piece which continues on to the ending sequence.

  • Air date: August 18, 2015

V Log 011: This shoot![]

Subtitle: (スネークが投げたグレネードをクワイエットが狙撃し、見事、ヘリを撃破!?)

The footage depicts Big Boss and Quiet in Africa pinned down by a Hind helicopter. Snake then throws a grenade and orders Quiet to shoot it with her sniper rifle. She does, which causes the grenade to ricochet towards the chopper's cockpit, with the resulting explosion causing catastrophic damage to the chopper and resulting in it being shot down while in flames. The footage was taken from the Japanese TGS 2014 demo.

  • Air date: August 19, 2015

V Log 012: Phantom-cigar[]

Subtitle: (体感的な時間経過を早めるファントム・シガー?)

The footage depicts Big Boss smoking a phantom cigar in the Jungles of Africa until roughly a day had passed. The footage was taken from the TGS 2014, although there was some characters commenting for some reason that were sped up during the Phantom Cigar montage.

  • Air date: August 20, 2015

V Log 013: For each enemy destroyed the bridge![]

Subtitle: (刻々と変化する状況に応じて戦おう?)

The footage depicts Snake blowing up a bridge via a grenade launcher attachment while some soldiers are on the bridge pursuing him. The footage was taken from the TGS 2014 demo.

  • Air date: August 21, 2015

V Log 014: Blow up the helicopter at Fulton![]

Subtitle: (C4をつけた車輛をフルトン回収し、ヘリを爆破!?)

The footage depicts Snake finding a Jeep, rigging it with C4, then fultoning it, and then running as well as the jeep hitting a patrolling Hind and causing it to crash, although not before it spotted him. The footage was taken from Gamescom 2014's demo.

  • Air date: August 24, 2015

V Log 015: The Box!![]

Subtitle: (グラビアポスターで敵兵士の注意を引き付け、CQC!?)

The footage depicts Big Boss using a cardboard box with a pinup on the front, causing a nearby Soviet soldier to rush over and oogle her long enough to have Big Boss capitalize the distraction and knock him out via CQC.

  • Air date: August 25, 2015

V Log 016: Arm!![]

Subtitle: (電撃を出し、敵を気絶させることができる「スタンアーム」?)

In the footage, Venom Snake sneaks through the jungle to a soldier from behind while the latter is distracted with an active decoy. Charging up his stun arm while sneaking up, he then grabs the soldier and renders him enough of a shock. Snake then proceeds to Fulton him as Quiet speeds ahead, before a radio dispatch comes in. The footage is from the TGS 2014 Japanese demo.

  • Air date: August 26, 2015

V Log 017: Decoy!![]

Subtitle: (バルーンの展開を利用して、重装備兵を排除?)

The footage depicts Snake readying to throw an active decoy. He then throws it near a soldier at a cliff, landing just inches behind him. The decoy then inflates, knocking the soldier over the edge. The footage was taken from the TGS 2014 Japanese demo.

  • Air date: August 27, 2015

V Log 018: Over the heads of enemy soldiers in bombings[]

Subtitle: (補給ダンボールで敵を気絶させることも可能?)

The footage depicts Venom Snake proceeding to call in for a delivery after scouting ahead to see a soldier smoking in front of him from Mother Base via the iDroid while hiding in a cardboard box. The box then arrives and drops the box at the designated drop point: right on top of the soldier's head. Snake then rushes to a shed before making sure he collects the equipment, removing the box beforehand. The footage itself was taken from the E3 2014 demo, although the arrival of the supply box was slightly accelerated, and it also showed a zoom-and-repeat of the box hitting the soldier's head.

  • Air date: August 28, 2015

V Log 019: The Box!!![]

Subtitle: (ダンボールが移動手段に早変わり?)

The footage depicts Venom Snake using a cardboard box to slide down a slope in Afghanistan twice before crossing the street. The footage was taken from the Japanese Free Play demo.

  • Air date: August 31, 2015

V Log 020: Rocket Punch![]

Subtitle: (アームの開発・強化を進めることでロケットパンチもできる!?)

The footage depicts Venom Snake firing his blast arm, eventually hitting a Spetsnaz commander. It was taken from the Japanese version of the free-play demo.

  • Air date: September 1, 2015

V Log 021: Fight with players around the world[]

Subtitle: (前線基地(FOB)で世界中のプレーヤーとオンライン対戦を楽しもう!?)

The footage depicts one Venom Snake shooting out a drone and then attempting to cross the bridge, only for the other Venom Snake to shoot a rocket at him, forcing him to dodge. The footage was taken from the Gamescom 2014 demo.

  • Air date: September 2, 2015

V Log 022: Chicken Cap[]

Subtitle: (敵兵士が見て見ぬふりをしてくれますが、大事なシーンで…?)

The video starts out showing Venom Snake dying three times with it being noted in subtitles below, the first by being shot by a soldier, the second by being shot while running, and the third while crawling. It then shows Snake wearing the chicken cap, as well as deliberately allowing himself to be spotted by a Soviet soldier, with the hat making a clucking sound before the soldier starts laughing his gut off. The video then ends with Venom Snake stating (in Japanese) citing that Huey's statement about a weapon to surpass Metal Gear meant that it "means it isn't just another nuke" while wearing the Chicken Cap.

  • Air date: September 24, 2015

V Log 023: Hiyo Bracket Cap[]

Subtitle: (敵兵士に見つかることなく潜入できますが、もちろん大事なシーンは…?)

The video starts out with showing Venom Snake wearing the Chicken Cap It then shows Venom Snake dying five times with it being noted in subtitles below, the first had him dying while navigating a wall, the second time had him dying while running by being caught by artillery fire, the third had him manning a gun emplacement when he was shot, the fourth had Snake being shot while aiming at the enemy and fifth had Snake being shot while hiding behind fabric. It then shows Snake wearing the Hiyo Bracket Cap. It then has Snake approaching a group of soldiers and knocking out a Soviet soldier openly with their being slightly alarmed, but otherwise not noticing Venom Snake's presence. The video then ends similarly to the prior V Log with Venom Snake stating (in Japanese) citing that Huey's statement about a weapon to surpass Metal Gear meant that it "means it isn't just another nuke", only this time he is wearing the Hiyo Bracket Cap.

  • Air date: September 25, 2015

V Log 024: Fight Starts on a Helicopter! (FOB Tips 01)[]

Subtitle: ((FOB Tips:01) 潜入前にヘリからのマーキングや攻撃が可能!?)

The video opens announcing the first set of FOB tips. It then gives various tips on the bottom of the screen in Japanese. Snake is being briefed and then proceeds to mark personnel and containers. It then shows Venom Snake already on the platform before cutting back to the chopper where Venom Snake fires a salvo of missiles from the CGM 25 at the platform as the video ends.

  • Air date: September 28, 2015

V Log 025: Interview with Dante Carver[]

Subtitle: (フォトスキャンを行いゲーム内に登場する、ダンテ・カーヴァーさんのインタビュー!?)

The video shows Dante Carver commenting about his experiences with Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, as well as behind the scenes footage of his motion capturing as well as his being used as both a Diamond Dogs soldier as well as the CFA Executive. It is the only episode thus far to not be mostly composed of gameplay footage/cutscenes from the game.

  • Air date: October 7, 2015

V Log 026: Of missile shield or even prevent![]

Subtitle: ((FOB Tips:02) 敵に回すと非常にやっかいですが、FOB防衛にも役立ちます。?)

The video opens announcing the second set of FOB tips. It then gives various tips on the bottom of the screen in Japanese. Snake is on the Medical Platform of an FOB, and is firing missiles and slaughtering people, also cutting to the POV of one of the soldiers guarding the base. Eventually, one of his missiles is stopped by a soldier with a shield, who retaliates by eventually firing shrapnel at Snake twice before the latter goes down.

  • Air date: October 9, 2015

V Log 027: Nasty! Kansai dialect Snake![]

Subtitle: ((日本語版限定仕様) ゴールド要素の条件を満たして出撃すると、スネークが関西弁に!?)

The video opens with the preparation screen for Snake, with his being a golden jeep, a golden ACC, a golden shield, and golden body paint. It then ends with differing begin missions scenes where Snake is saying phrases in the Kansai dialect, before a message pops up.

  • Air date: October 9, 2015

V Log 028: Cardboard!!!![]

Subtitle: (斜面を滑りながら敵兵を跳ね飛ばし、ピンチを脱することができます。?)

The video opens with Snake in Alert Mode in Afghanistan. He then equips the Cardboard box, and proceeds to slide down the hill, knocking over two Soviet personnel in the process and ultimately knocking down the third via CQC after his box was destroyed inches from the soldier before fleeing.

  • Air date: October 13, 2015

V Log 029: Cassette tape[]

Subtitle: (トイレに入って「腹痛の兵士」のカセットテープを再生すると、敵兵士が…。?)

The video opens with Snake arriving at a porta-potty and finding a cassette tape near a pile of wood. After procuring it and then listening to its contents (depicting a man groaning from a bout of diarrhea). Afterwards, it then fast forwards to Snake getting himself briefly spotted by a soldier enough to arouse the soldier's suspicions before hiding in the stall. It then fast forwards to the soldier at the stall's door and knocking. Afterwards, Snake accesses the iDroid and then plays the tape, with a scene playing where the soldier looks around and decides to walk away before the video ends.

  • Air date: October 16, 2015

V Log 030: Defence settings[]

Subtitle: ((FOB Tips:03) 状況にあわせた警備設定で、侵入者を倒せ!?)

Opening with the FOB Tips 3 title screen, it shows the Mother Base section of the iDroid, as well as Snake setting the security settings of his FOB. It then shows another Snake being knocked down by a shielded soldier, hit by a missile, and eventually shot to such an extent that he falls into the ocean while he was trying to sneak in. It then shows weapons development, with Snake eventually being knocked out by a stun round, before being put through a wormhole device as the video ends.

  • Air date: October 19, 2015

V Log 031: Box of the Ball[]

Subtitle: ((FOB Tips:04) FOBでもダンボールは必要不可欠!?)

The video shows Snake using a cardboard box to evade the sights of a surveillance camera as well as a UA drone (before popping out long enough to destroy each one with rounds of assault rifle fire). It then shows Snake tailing a soldier and then finding a cardboard box only to end up knocked out by the soldier he was tailing. It then rewinds to the point where Snake saw the soldier and reveals the soldier had left behind the box as a decoy and went around to go to behind Snake just as he destroys the box to knock him out before going to a bridge as the video ends.

  • Air date: October 23, 2015

V Log 032: Customize your Weapon[]

Subtitle: ((FOB Tips:05) カスタマイズ武器を使い、ライバルのFOBを攻略!?)

The video first shows the iDroid selecting a side op for finding the master gunsmith, as well as then showing the weapons customization menu. After customizing an AM-MRS-4 HB, Snake then takes it to a mission where he knocks out the soldiers with it. It then shows customization of a sniper rifle, with Snake killing FOB soldiers with it.

  • Air date: October 30, 2015

V Log 033: Strengthening of Security Equipment[]

Subtitle: ((FOB Tips:06) 盗難警報装置やガンカメラを開発し、FOB警備を強化!?)

The video first shows Snake tripping a sensor while approaching a materials container. It then cuts to another part of the FOB where Snake ends up spotted by a gun camera before shooting it, where he ultimately disables it, although not before being shot up significantly. Later Snake then crawls through an infrared sensor net, causing it to beep. It then does a repeat, only this time Snake shoots the sensor near the materials container after the alarm, as well as running down and tripping the sensors, and then being caught by a security cam and shot at, ultimately being killed as the video ends.

  • Air date: November 24, 2015

V Log 034: Using the "party"[]

Subtitle: ((PlayStation®4:MGO) フレンドと一緒にパーティーを組んで、対戦を楽しもう!?)

The video begins with the main menu of Metal Gear Online 3. It then switches to the Party setup, where it then shows them selecting MGOALFA001, MGOALFA002, and MGOALFA003. It then cuts to another player, who then selects the party he belongs to, before switching to another player doing the same. They then do an automatch. They then close by showing the how to set up a match regarding party mode.

  • Air date: December 8, 2015

V Log 035: Introducing the new map![]

Subtitle: ((METAL GEAR ONLINE) 拡張DLC収録の新マップをご紹介。 ※画面は開発中のものとなります。?)

The video starts with a panover of the new map Forward Operating Base, and it then shows the main character, a girl with a skull cap and a customized MGO T-shirt, running around and marking enemies, eventually traversing the bridges. Upon reaching the surface, the character then stuns a soldier with a headshot, and then uses a knife to kill them while they are down. The main player character then encounters a soldier at the stairs and proceeds to tail him before grabbing him. She then tries to interrogate him, although he is killed by bulletfire, wounding her as well. She then runs, though she is tagged with a threat detecter. She then tries to use her cardboard box only to bail shortly thereafter. She then tries to jump a railing, only to be shot and fall as the video ends with a new announcement. Throughout the video, there is commentary from two Japanese people.

  • Air date: January 15, 2016

Survive Episode listing[]

Note, these titles are translations of the Japanese titles.

V Log 001:[1][]

【VLog1】 MGVでのロビーの役割にあたるステージングエリアの紹介です。マルチプレイではマッチング後にステージングエリアに集まります。武器やガジェットが無限に使えるので出撃前に思う存分練習ができます。[2]

The video starts with the survivors warping into the Co-Op staging area, with the players being named MGV06_Zeke, MGV06_Rex, MGV06_Ray, and MGV06_Gekko. The blonde survivor, Gekko, then runs into the training area circle and has several targets activated upon being prompted. Gekko then uses his gun to shoot one target, while two other survivors, Rex and Ray promptly team up to take out a target with their melee weapons in the background while the female, Zeke, runs ahead to their direction. Next, while Rex is firing various weapons, the three members surround him with a normal fence and while saluting bid him good luck. Zeke then is firing a crossbow at watchtowers as her comrades are scaling them, while a bombing sound is heard before she is knocked down, with her comrades apologizing for the friendly fire. Rex then enters a circle with his comrades as four seconds are remaining, with Ray saluting and expressing excitement as they are about to be deployed. Like with the prior V Logs, the video then ends as it scrolls the V Log number before settling at the number the video is produced in, and then shows a screen showcasing Survive and its preorder contents and released date (which one depending on whether it's the Japanese or European version.), although the chime for the ending has an ominous pitch. In addition, depending on which version of the trailer, it either will show a red background with the Konami logo in white with no sound besides the sound cue from earlier (PEGI version) or otherwise will show a white background with the Konami Logo in red with a chime and high-pitched Japanese voices yelling "Konami!"

  • Air date: October 30, 2017

V Log 002:[3][]

【VLog2】 スタートしたら、クラフト素材を集めたり、敵を排除したりしながら、中心地へと移動します。到着後は、採掘機を守るために迫撃砲、銃座などの迎撃ユニットや、フェンス、バリケードなどの防衛ユニットを配備し、防衛準備を整えます。[4]

The video starts with the survivors warping into the main area, presumably right after the events of V Log 001. Rex is then tailing his comrades into a building, and eventually Gekko retrieves wood, plastic, and oil from inside the building. At another area, Ray proceeds to stealthfully knife one of the wanderer creatures from behind as Rex watches, while in yet another area, Zeke (who for some reason is named Rex) takes down a wanderer with a crossbow. Gekko then proceeds to set up a fence as well as a sandbag foothold in two separate areas, and Zeke proceeds to set up a mortar and Rex sets up a Machine Gun Type M, and Ray, as Zeke watches from behind a fence, sets up spinning blades. Gekko then proceeds to set up the wormhole digger at the designated spot alongside as his allies watch. It then shows Gekko running towards the edge while his comrades lie in wait and give encouragement, presumably preparing for the advancing horde of Wanderers. Like with the prior V Logs, the video then ends as it scrolls the V Log number before settling at the number the video is produced in, and then shows a screen showcasing Survive and its preorder contents and released date (which one depending on whether it's the Japanese or European version.), although the chime for the ending has an ominous pitch. In addition, depending on which version of the trailer, it either will show a red background with the Konami logo in white with no sound besides the sound cue from earlier (PEGI version) or otherwise will show a white background with the Konami Logo in red with a chime and high-pitched Japanese voices yelling "Konami!"

  • Air date: November 2, 2017

V Log 003:[5][]

【VLog3】 今回は戦闘のご紹介です。武器には銃火器や近接武器など様々な種類があります。戦況を見て、もしくは好みで使い分けてみてください。また、敵には種類によって異なる弱点があります。効果的な武器を選び、戦闘を有利に進めましょう。

The video starts with Zeke advancing from near a wooden box towards the warping-in Wanderers, presumably right after the events of V Log 002. Gekko is then seen using his crossbow on the advancing hoard of wanderers, eventually striking one of them. Zeke, in a dead mans land, then does an overhand throw of a grenade to an advancing horde of wanderers and prepares to throw another just as it explodes and knocks the horde to the ground, while Ray, near a fence, uses her spear in an attempt to shove several wanderers off the fence. Zeke then shoots a wanderer with a crossbow at fairly close range, felling it, as another charges at her, while Rex, near a barbed wire barricade, wields a machete to hold off various wanderers on the other side. Ray, at the fence, then throws a Molotov cocktail at the wanderers before equipping back her spear. Rex then proceeds to use a shotgun against several hordes of wanderers, while Gekko uses a sniper rifle to hold back a bomber-type wanderer and Zeke slams down a hammer on several wanderers. Gekko then uses a machete on one wanderer in a confined area, while Ray uses a spear to knock several wanderers down. Rex (who is renamed Zeke here) then uses an axe to cut down several wanderers, while Zeke (renamed Ray) is mowing down wanderers (and presumably a bomber) with her machine gun while the iris energy extracted is coming close to completion, and then turns around to retreat as an explosion knocks several wanderers down. Like with the prior V Logs, the video then ends as it scrolls the V Log number before settling at the number the video is produced in, and then shows a screen showcasing Survive and its preorder contents and released date (which one depending on whether it's the Japanese or European version.), although the chime for the ending has an ominous pitch. It then ends with with the Konami Logo in red with a chime and high-pitched Japanese voices yelling "Konami!", due to it being Japanese exclusive.

  • Air date: November 9, 2017 (Japanese); December 7, 2017

V Log 004:[6][]

【VLog4】 今回は『迎撃ユニット』のご紹介です。迎撃ユニットには好きな場所に設置ができ、自分で操作するタイプと、トラップのように自動で起動、攻撃するタイプがあります。フェンスなどの防衛ユニットと併用することで、より威力を発揮します。#MGSurvive

  • Air date: November 16, 2017 (Japanese); December 7, 2017

V Log 005:[7][]

【VLog5】 今回は『サイドミッション』のご紹介です。防衛中、クリアすると強力な武器やアイテムを入手できる『サイドミッション』が各所で発生します。チームで、防衛とサイドミッション挑戦を上手く役割分担することが攻略のポイントになります。 #MGSurvive

  • Air date: November 29, 2017 (Japanese); December 8, 2017

V Log 006:[8][]

【VLog6】(最終) 今回は『ミッションリザルト』のご紹介です。ミッションをクリアした際、ミッションへの貢献度を示す『クリアランク』が各個人に与えられます。選んだミッションとこのクリアランクに応じて、手に入る『ミッション報酬』が決まります。 #MGSurvive

  • Air date: November 30, 2017 (Japanese); December 8, 2017 (English)

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Metal Gear Solid V
The Phantom Pain
Metal Gear Survive

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