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MGS3 HD Demo Theater

Demo Theater interface from MGS3: HD Edition.

Demo Theater is a feature of the Subsistence and HD Collection versions of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, first appearing on "Disc 1: Subsistence" of the former. From the Demo Theater, players can view all of the game's cutscenes, also known as polygon demos.

A similar feature was included in Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker as well as Metal Gear Survive, the latter via update.

Demo list (MGS3)[]

  1. Commencing Virtuous Mission.
    • HALO Jump (Snake/Jack) - Naked Snake makes a HALO jump into Tselinoyarsk in the Soviet Union, and Zero briefs him about the Virtuous Mission in a flashback.
    • Time for the Snake to shed his skin - Snake takes off his mask to reveal his appearance.
    • Commencing Virtuous Mission. - Snake recovers his backpack from the tree branch and commences the mission.
    • Finding the enemy unit - Snake finds KGB soldiers patrolling the area and is warned by Zero not to be seen, while The Boss advises him to use camouflage to hide himself.
    • Beehive - Snake notices a beehive above a KGB soldier and smiles.
  2. Contacting Sokolov
    • Reconnaissance of Deserted Factory - Snake arrives at the abandoned factory where Soviet scientist Sokolov is located, which is guarded by KGB soldiers.
    • Contacting Sokolov - Snake makes contact with Sokolov and proceeds to escort him to the extraction point. Major Ocelot of GRU and his unit attempt to take Sokolov from Snake, but fail to defeat him and are subdued.
    • I'm defecting to the Soviet Union. - Snake and Sokolov see the Shagohod weapon being tested as they approach the rope bridge. Snake is confronted by The Boss, her Cobra unit and Colonel Volgin of GRU. Sokolov is captured and Snake is thrown from the bridge by The Boss, who has defected to Volgin's side.
    • Seizing the Shagohod - Snake survives and recovers from his injuries on the shore. While airlifting the stolen Shagohod away, Volgin uses one of the nuclear warheads provided by The Boss to destroy Sokolov's research facility.