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Catarata de la Muerte ("Waterfall of Death") is a waterfall in Central Heredia, Costa Rica.


During the Peace Walker Incident in 1974, the Militaires Sans Frontières fought against a Mi-24A chopper at Catarata de la Muerte and successfully neutralized it. MSF commander Big Boss later returned there in an attempt to track down a CIA mercenary in possession of an ID card, which was necessary for entering the nearby AI lab.

The MSF later tracked down KGB agent Vladimir Zadornov to Catarata de la Muerte, during one of his numerous escape attempts from Mother Base. On another occasion, the MSF had to take down some Kidnapper UAVs, and also committed a stealth operation in the area. The MSF later fought various choppers at this location.


This area is primarily the staging point for gunship battles, particularly in the Extra Ops missions; it is sparsely occupied otherwise. All extra escorts in all gunship battles will carry the FAL battle rifle.

The lack of open space leaves the player more vulnerable to attacks by missiles and bombs as well as being surrounded by escorts. The waterfall will register as a large source of noise on the Surround Indicator, making gunships harder to detect.

If enemies are thrown or knocked onto the ground and are too close to the edge of the cliff facing the waterfall, they will actually fall to their death. The player, however, is not able to descend the cliff or fall to their death. Paz does warn Snake against falling off the waterfall on a briefing tape relating to the location, however.

Main Ops[]

Attack Chopper Battle: Mi-24A[]

"Miller: Snake! That's a hind! You've got to take it out somehow! Either neutralize the soldiers or bring down the chopper! Good luck!"
―Mission select briefing for "Attack Chopper Battle: Mi-24A"
  • Day/Night: Day
  • Mech Rank: D
  • Total number of escorts: 20*
  • Rank of Commander/Captain: C

Here, Snake must neutralize all escorts and the commander or destroy the Mi-24A gunship in order to proceed.

After completion, the player will be awarded with the Sneaking Suit.

Head for the Lab[]

"Miller: Snake, infiltrate Dr. Strangelove's research lab and either deactivate or destroy the AI. The lab's built into some ancient ruins, so find those first!"
―Mission select briefing for "Head to the AI Lab"

This area is lightly guarded, at most 1 scout or CIA mercenary will patrol the area.

Zadornov Search Mission 3[]

"Miller: Snake, Zadornov's disappeared from his cell again. Find him!"
―Mission select briefing for "Zadornov Search Mission 3"

Either Zadornov will be found hiding by pressing himself vertically onto a tree or a male POW will be found.

Extra Ops[]

[052] Eliminate the Kidnappers[]

"Miller: Let's get this mission started. Complete the mission and proceed to the Fulton recovery point so we can get you back alive and well. Good luck out there."
―Mission select briefing for "[052] Eliminate the Kidnappers"

DShKM heavy machine gun turrets are placed for convenience should player(s) not wish to use their own ammunition to eliminate kidnappers. However the positioning of the turrets leaves them vulnerable to attack by the kidnappers should they approach too closely. Design specs for the Makarov PM are also found near a cordoned off area. Getting the PM Design specs is also necessary in order to allow development of the Makarov PB/6P9 that is procurable later on in the final Zadornov Mission.

[105] Attack Chopper Battle: Mi-24A Custom[]

110203000527.JPG|Under the vegetation of Catarata de la Muerte during the day, with escorts carefully seeking out hostiles.

"Commencing mission. You're in for some heavy combat with this one. Try and make it back in one piece."
―Mission select briefing for "[105] Attack Chopper Battle: Mi-24A Custom"
  • Day/Night: Night
  • Mech Rank: D
  • Total number of escorts: 36*
  • Rank of Commander/Captain: B

[106] Attack Chopper Battle: Mi-24D[]


Mi-24D gunship about to fly above the vegetation.

"Commencing mission. You're in for some heavy combat with this one. Try and make it back in one piece."
―Mission select briefing for "[106] Attack Chopper Battle: Mi-24D"
  • Day/Night: Day
  • Mech Rank: D
  • Total number of escorts: 20*
  • Rank of Commander/Captain: C

[107] Attack Chopper Battle: Mi-24D Custom[]


Under the vegetation of Catarata de la Muerte at night.

"Commencing mission. You're in for some heavy combat with this one. Try and make it back in one piece."
―Mission select briefing for "[107] Attack Chopper Battle: Mi-24D Custom"
  • Day/Night: Night
  • Mech Rank: D
  • Total number of escorts: 36*
  • Rank of Commander/Captain: B

[108] Attack Chopper Battle: AH56A-Bomber[]


Waterfalls of Catarata de la Muerte at night, with escorts moving towards the vegetation to carefully seek out hostiles.

"Commencing mission. You're in for some heavy combat with this one. Try and make it back in one piece."
―Mission select briefing for "[108] Attack Chopper Battle: AH56A-Bomber"
  • Day/Night: Night
  • Mech Rank: D
  • Total number of escorts: 20*
  • Rank of Commander/Captain: C

[109] Attack Chopper Battle: AH56A-Bomber Custom[]

"Commencing mission. You're in for some heavy combat with this one. Try and make it back in one piece."
―Mission select briefing for "[109] Attack Chopper Battle: AH56A-Bomber Custom"
  • Day/Night: Day
  • Mech Rank: C
  • Total number of escorts: 28*
  • Rank of Commander/Captain: B

[110] Attack Chopper Battle: AH56A-Raider[]

"Commencing mission. You're in for some heavy combat with this one. Try and make it back in one piece."
―Mission select briefing for "[110] Attack Chopper Battle: AH56A-Raider"
  • Day/Night: Night
  • Mech Rank: D
  • Total number of escorts: 20*
  • Rank of Commander/Captain: C

[111] Attack Chopper Battle: AH56A-Raider Custom[]

"Commencing mission. You're in for some heavy combat with this one. Try and make it back in one piece."
―Mission select briefing for "[111] Attack Chopper Battle: AH56A-Raider Custom"
  • Day/Night: Night
  • Mech Rank: D
  • Total number of escorts: 28*
  • Rank of Commander/Captain: A

* These are the total number of escorts in single player mode. The number is multiplied by how many players are playing in a CO-OPS playthrough (up to four players), with the maximum ranging between 32 and 144.


