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"Сильный человек не нуждается в том, чтобы предвидеть будущее — он создает его сам."
― Солид Снейк

Солид Снейк, настоящее имя Дэвид, также известный как Олд Снейк, временно известный как Ирокез Плизкин, или просто Снейк — бывший шпион, спецназовец и наемник. Результат проекта «Анфан террибль», клон легендарного солдата Биг Босса, брат Ликвида и Солидуса.

В 90-х Снейк, будучи изначально в Зеленых Беретах, был переведен в высокотехнологичный отряд специального назначения под началом Биг Босса, FOXHOUND. Несколько раз разоружив и уничтожив по приказу последние воплощения Метал Гира, двуногого атомного танка, Снейк трижды предотвратил возможную ядерную катастрофу, после чего стал известным героем войны.

После инцидента на Shadow Moses ("Тень Моисея") в 2005 году и последующего черного пиара от Патриотов, секретной организации в тени американской политики, Снейк был прозван террористом. Хотя он и сфабриковал свою смерть на Танкере в 2007 году, спустя два года появился вновь, чтобы помочь Райдену на Биг Шелл. В это же время, его клетки ступили на стадию ускоренного старения, постепенно ухудшая его здоровье. В ходе медицинского осмотра, Наоми Хантер установила, что причиной его стремительного старения является спланированная во время клонирования генетическая модификация.

В 2014 году Снейк провел свою последнюю миссию в ходе которой убил Ликвида Оцелота и уничтожил Патриотов. В последней встрече с Биг Боссом Снейк решил прожить остаток своих дней в тишине и спокойствии.



В 1970-x  Элиза и Урсула предсказали появление Солида Снейка в своем видении, как сына Биг Босса, который "спасет мир".[1]

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Солид Снейк.

В 1972, Дэвид и его брат-близнец были рождены в ходе правительственного эксперимента, целью которого было создать идеального солдата, используя гены "Величайшего воина 20-го века" (Биг Босса).

Используя терапевтическое клонирование из ДНК Биг Босса и не оплодотворенных яйцеклеток, пожертвованных здоровой японской женщиной, было создано 8 эмбрионов. Методом супер-дитя эмбрионы были помещены в утробу суррогатной матери. Эмбрионы со временем отторгались, пока не осталось только два самых подходящих.

Также эти два клона были генно-модифицированы, один из них был наделён доминантными генами Биг Босса, а другой - рецессивными. Через девять месяцев клоны были рождены и получили кодовые имена Солид Снейк и Ликвид Снейк. Будучи выращенным из клеток Биг Босса, Солид Снейк также унаследовал митохондриальную ДНК от его биологической "японской матери", в будущем демонстрируя осведомленность об этом факте.[2] Третий клон был создан уже позже.

Молодость и карьера.

При рождении Солид Снейк был назван Дэвидом. Его воспитанием занималось несколько приемных родителей. В 1974 Шифр (Патриоты) использовал Солида и Ликвида, как гарант удачного возвращения Биг Босса на свою сторону, в противном случае его компания наемников, Солдаты Без Границ, была бы выставлена Патриотами, как виновная в фальшивой ядерной атаке на США.

Шагая по военной карьерной лестнице, Дэвид еще подростком был принят в Зеленые Береты, и в 1991 он участвовал в иракской миссии во время Войны в Персидском Заливе. Позже он вступил в специальный отряд Биг Босса FOXHOUND, именно тогда им был получен позывной "Солид Снейк". Во время подготовки бойцов FOXHOUND, он стал экспертом в прыжках с парашютом, лингвистике, подводном бою и скалолазании. Биг Босс лично обучил его новой системе Рукопашного боя и показал ему, что для выживания на поле боя необходимо иметь силу воли. Также именно в тренировочном лагере FOXHOUND`a Снейк познакомился с инструктором Миллером. С тех пор настоящие имя и происхождение Снейка были засекречены.

Первая миссия Снейка, как солдата FOXHOUND, прошла в 1995 году. Его задачей было проникнуть в Аутер Хэвен, военную общину в Южной Африке, лидером которой был уважаемый и легендарный наемник. Снейк должен был найти плененного агента FOXHOUND Грея Фокса, который поможет пролить свет на некий Метал Гир, о котором тот успел передать по рации. Сразу после проникновения в Аутер Хэвен, Биг Босс обратился к Снейку по рации, сказав, что отныне это больше не тренировка, а его первая миссия для FOXHOUND.

После проникновения в крепость Аутер Хэвена подводным путем Снейк освободил найденных заложников и узнал от одного из них местонахождение Грея Фокса, а также то, что единственный способ попасть к нему - самому попасть в плен. Снейк находит Фокса и тот говорит ему, что Метал Гир - это огромный двуногий атомный танк, который способен запустить ядерную боеголовку в любую точку планеты. Далее Фокс сказал, что ему нужно ему найти доктора Драго Петровича Маднара, ибо он знает способ уничтожить Метал Гир. Солид находит Драго Маднара вместе с его дочерью Эллен и на пару с Фоксом уничтожает Метал Гир ТХ-55. Внезапно Биг Босс объявляет себя тем самым лидером наемников Аутер Хэвен, но Снейк находит способ устранить его.


Несмотря на успех в Аутер Хэвен, Снейк ушел из FOXHOUND и подал в отставку. Он даже бросил занятия CQC, которое напоминало ему Биг Босса, что предал его. Вместо этого он стал заниматься CQB, другой техникой ближнего боя.

Позже Снейк был завербован ЦРУ, и провел 6 месяцев в качестве агента под прикрытием, но вскоре разочаровался в этой организации и покинул ее, после чего его ждала работа наемника. Когда он заработал достаточно денег, то поселился в пустыне в Канаде. В последующие 4 года Снейка на фоне посттравматического стрессового расстройства регулярно мучили кошмары об Аутер Хэвен и Биг Боссе.

В декабре 1999 к Снейку обратился новый командир FOXHOUND, Рой Кемпбелл, чтобы вовлечь его в миссию в Центральной Азии. Новое милитаризованное государство, Занзибар Лэнд, похитило доктора Кио Марва, открывателя топливо-преобразующих микробов, ОЙЛИКС. Также были предположения, что в Занзибаре ведутся работы над новым Метал Гиром. Снейк согласился на миссию, чтобы покончить с кошмарами, что мучили его после Аутер Хэвен.

MG2 Snake Previous Operations

Солид Снейк в 1999 году.

Заданием Снейка было преодолеть непреступную стену вокруг Занзибар Лэнда и вызволить доктора Марва вместе с формулой ОЙЛИКСА. Его команда радиоподдержки состояла из Полковника Кемпбелла, бывшего инструктора FOXHOUND Мастера Миллера и наемного советника Джорджа Каслера. Снейк преуспел в проникновении на территорию Занзибара, и внезапно возникла проблема. Холли Вайт, агент ЦРУ под прикрытием, запросила помощь, так как была раскрыта и схвачена. После освобождения Холли, Снейк узнал от нее, как связаться с доктором Марвом. Но тот мог говорить только на чешском и словацком, и ему пришлось искать его сопроводителя, Наташу Маркову. Оба они затем погибли в результате предательства старых знакомых Снейка: Грея Фокса и Драго Петровича Маднара. Вместо этого Снейку удалось раздобыть формулу ОЙЛИКСА.

В самом сердце Занзибар Лэнда Снейк уничтожил Метал Гир Д и победил Грея Фокса, тем самым помешав планам Биг Босса. Именно он стоял за всем в Занзибар Лэнде. Никто не ожидал, что он выживет после Аутер Хэвена, но он вернулся, чтобы поквитаться с бывшим подчиненным. Снейк победил Биг Босса во второй раз, с помощью импровизированного огнемета из зажигалки и спрея. Снейк вместе с Холли сбежал из крепости, отбиваясь в джунглях от вражеских сил до тех пор, пока их не подобрал вертолет. Во время дебрифинга Кемпбелл предложил Снейку снова вступить в FOXHOUND, но тот отказал, объяснив, что его кошмары наконец закончились. Несмотря на обещание поужинать с Холли на Рождество, Снейк не явился и вскоре вообще пропал. Кемпбелл пояснил, что это не первый раз, когда Снейк исчезает, не сказав ни слова.

В отставке

После событий операции "Вторжение F014", Снейк вернулся в Северную Америку и обосновался в Аляске, рядом с Озёрами-Близнецами. Он пытался забыть своё военное прошлое и избавиться от пост-травматического стресса, а также принять то, что он "убил" собственного отца. В это время он серьёзно пристрастился к алкоголю. В этот период он заботился о более чем 50 собак хаски и участвовал в гонках на санях.

Инцидент на Шэдоу Мозес

Снейк возвратился в армию США в феврале 2005, когда его командующий Рой Кэмпбелл отправил его на остров Шэдоу Мозес. Снейку не понравилась миссия, так как его вернули обратно в подразделение с помощью вооружённых солдат, в манере, которую можно считать как задержание преступника, а затем ещё и осмотрели, и отобрали всё вооружение. На острове же начался бунт, организованный членами FOXHOUND, которые угрожали нанести ядерный удар по Соединённым Штатам, если правительство не передаст им останки Биг Босса. Задание Снейка заключалось в проникновении и уничтожения угрозы. Согласился он на задание с двумя условиями: Кэмпбелл ничего не будет от него таить и только Кэмпбелл будет отвечать на вопросы о миссии.

Главой бунтарей был Ликвид Снейк. Из-за их схожести, волосы Снейка были укорочены, дабы его не спутали с Ликвидом. Ему поручили предотвратить возможность террористов нанести ядерный удар, а также заложников: президент компании по производству вооружения ArmsTech Кеннета Бэйкера и шэфа DARPA Дональда Андерсона.

Снейк проник на базу один, хотя позже к нему присоединились создатель Метал Гира REX Хэл Эммерих и новый рекрут FOXHOUND Мэрил Сильвербург, племянница Кэмпбелла. Метал Гир REX - ещё один вид двуногого танка, способного нанести ядерный удар из любой точки мира, в тайне разработанный армией Соединённых Штатов и ArmsTech. Как бы то ни было, с помощью обмана Ликвиду удаётся активировать Метал Гир (убив и замаскировавшись под Мастера Миллера за три дня до этого, он попал в команду поддержки. С помощью Грея Фокса, Снейк уничтожает новый Метал Гир и побеждает членов FOXHOUND, включая Ликвида.

Его миссия была полностью спланирована Пентагоном. В тайне, генетический инженер Наоми Хантер ввела Снейку вирус FOXDIE. Последний был в ярости, от того, что правительство послало его на миссию как переносчика вируса, запрограммированного на убийство директора Бэйкера т.к. он знал слишком много, а также взбунтовавшихся оперативников подразделения FOXHOUND, чтобы безопасно заполучить Метал Гир. Также считается, что Снейк самовольно вернулся на поле боя из-за того, что ему нравилось убивать, как уже говорилось Биг Боссом в Занзибаре.

В течение миссии он подозревал, что полковник скрывал от него важную информацию, что оказалось правдой. Позже он простил Кэмпбелла, узнав, что Пентагон использовал Мерил дабы заставить Роя сотрудничать с ними. Снейк также узнал, что Наоми была сестрой Грей Фокса, и она хотела отомстить за брата, настроив вирус так, чтобы убить и Снейка. Как бы то ни было, Наоми вместе с самим вирусом ввела "защиту" от него на некоторое время.

После событий на Шэдоу Мозес

После инцидента Снейк и Мерил исчезли, когда Кэмпбелл подстроил их смерти (По его версии, они утонули при падении джипа в море). Через некоторое время Снейк не мог связаться с Мерил. Из-за его действий на острове, он стал народным героем, что серьёзно мешало Патриотам.

Револьвер Оцелот, единственный выживший член FOXHOUND, сообщил о произошедшем на острове президенту США Джорджу Сирсу, которому он докладывал обо всём с начала инцидента. Он сообщил, что победил и выжил именно Солид Снейк, а не его клон-близнец Ликвид, который считал, что выйдет победителем в схватке. Оцелот также сообщил в звонке, что вирус FOXDIE скоро активируется, а значит целью является и Солид Снейк. Через три недели после событий на острове, Наоми сбежала из секретной тюрьмы, в которой и содержалась. Наташа Романенко утверждала, что это был Снейк (хотя на самом деле это Оцелот выполнил свою часть сделки), и поэтому правительство США заподозрило присутствие Дэвида и объявило розыск.

Оцелот же продал чертежи Метал Гир REX на чёрном рынке, что заставило Снейка и Отакона образовать организацию по борьбе с Метал Гирами "Филантропы". Задачей организации является борьба и уничтожение любой технологии шагающего танка по всему миру. Во время одной из таких операций они похитили замороженное тело Ликвида Снейка. Примерно к 2007 году Снейк начал страдать от ускоренного процесса старения.

Сыны Свободы

В августе 2007 года, Отакон получил совет от бывшей сводной сестры Эммы Эммерих, новый Metal Gear был разработан морской пехотой Соединенных Штатов, и транспортируется морскими пехотинцами под видом нефтяного танкера. Снейк поднялся на борт танкера, и быстро обнаружил, что у группы российских наемников во главе с Сергеем Гурлюковичем были свои собственные планы на Metal Gear RAY. Снейк вскоре столкнулся с Ольгой Гурлюкович (дочь Сергея) на борту танкера, и устроил с ней перестрелку, она потеряла сознание от модифицированного М9 транквилизатора пистолета Снейка.


Solid Snake, circa 2007.

Снейк быстро добрался до трюма танкера и, следуя своей миссии, сделал фотографии, доказывавшие существование нового Метал Гира. Но ни он, ни Отакон не смогли предвидеть появление Револьвера Оцелота, который затем взорвал заложенные на танкере заряды Семтекс, чтобы затопить его. В попытке остановить Оцелота Снейк столкнулся с "духом" своего мёртвого брата, Ликвида Снейка, который, видимо, взял контроль над разумом Оцелота через трансплантированную руку (Рука Ликвида была приделана Оцелоту с целью заменить ту, что была потеряна на Шэдоу Мозес). Присутствие Снейка, похоже, выпустило личность Ликвида, который прокомментировал это тем, что таким образом он избежал ускоренного старения, в то время, как у Снейка оно уже началось.[3] После того, как Ликвид сбежал на украденном RAY, Снейк успешно покинул тонущий танкер и выбрался на поверхность реки, где его спас Отакон на небольшой лодке. Они также спасли Ольгу и, воспользовавшись ситуацией, решили подделать смерть Снейка, используя для этого тело Ликвида.

Благодаря фотографиям, сделанным дроном "Cypher", Армии США, Патриоты организовали клеветническую кампанию против Солида Снейка и Филантропии, выставив их на публику и обвинив в затоплении танкера, тем самым уничтожив их репутацию. После того, как тело Ликвида было выловлено в гавани Нью-Йорка, и был проведен его генетический анализ, была подтверждена смерть Солида, и слухи об этом широко распространились.

"Я не враг. Успокойся. Мое имя С... Мое имя Плискин.
― Ирокез Плискин

В апреле 2009 года Снейк проник на морской очистительный комплекс Биг Шелл, которая была захвачена Сынами Свободы, проникшие туда, прорезав дыру в окружающем комплекс заборе. Затем он убрал нескольких часовых Гурлюковича в доке и поднялся на крышу Платформы А на лифте; Райден, который проник в комплекс сразу после Снейка, украдкой увидел его, пока тот стоял к нему спиной. Некоторое время спустя Снейк замаскировался под Младшего Лейтенанта Ирокеза Плискина, члена 10-ой команды Морских Котиков, отряд Альфа. Псевдоним является отсылкой к Снейку Плискину, главному герою фильма "Побег из Нью-Йорка" и названию одного из индейских племён (Ирокезы).


Snake, as Pliskin, searches for Vamp in Strut B.

"Плискин" впервые столкнулся с Райденом в трансформаторной комнате Платформы В, в которой лежало крайне много тел солдат команды Морских Котиков. Они были убиты членом отряда Dead Cell, Вампом. Райден был атакован вампом, но получил только царапину благодаря вмешательству Плискина. Тогда Вамп пошел в атаку Плискина, но остановился, заметив, что Плискин пахнет так же, как «он». Затем Рейден поднял карабин Плискина М4, который не был заперт у входа в ИД, как у других оружия УПЦ, и выстрелил по Вампу, чтобы оттолкнуть его, а затем покинул территорию после того, как ему было приказано отступить. Claiming to have entered the Big Shell by a "fast rope descent from a navy chopper," Pliskin aroused Raiden’s suspicions after a wharf roach crawled out of his clothes. Pliskin told Raiden about Vamp's origins, as well as Dead Cell, though he wasn't able to continue on because he needed a few moments to recover from Vamp's attack, having become disorientated from blood loss. However, he also exaggerated slightly to Raiden, as he intended to go separate ways and watch him from afar, until he could gauge whether Raiden was trustworthy enough for him to ally with.[4] Before Raiden left, Pliskin provided him with a SOCOM pistol.


Pliskin recovering from Vamp's attack.

Pliskin later met Raiden and bomb disposal expert Peter Stillman within Strut C. Stillman provided the two with a coolant spray and sensor to disarm C4 explosives, which had been planted throughout the facility by Stillman’s former protégé Fatman of Dead Cell. Pliskin’s possession of headphones, usually worn by SEAL commanders off the battlefield, and his use of other military organizations' mottos ("Semper Fi" and "Who Dares, Wins" of the U.S. Marines and SAS, respectively), clued Stillman in to the fact that Pliskin wasn’t actually a SEAL. Pliskin then left to begin his bomb disposal of Shell 2, and located: the first C4 on the Strut H heliport behind some cargo; the second C4 on the ceiling of another strut (which required him to get onto a stand to reach it with the coolant spray); the third C4 planted on the back of a Gurlukovich mercenary; the fourth C4 in an area so narrow he needed to crawl inside to reach it; and the fifth C4 that required a much closer inspection to locate.[5] Olga Gurlukovich became alerted to Pliskin's presence aboard the Big Shell, after seeing "a man in a cardboard box." This unorthodox tactic clued Solidus Snake in to Pliskin's possible identity. Raiden also briefly witnessed the same man in a cardboard box, and called Pliskin about it and inquired if the man in the cardboard box was a member of Dead Cell, unaware at the time that Pliskin had been that man in question.

At some point later, Pliskin was contacted by Peter Stillman and requested that he investigate Shell 2 in case there were C4 planted that the C4 sensors couldn't pick up. Pliskin managed to stumble upon a large cache of C4 explosives that both were vapor-sealed and didn't contain any of Fatman's cologne, at the bottom of Strut H, and contacted Stillman and Raiden. However, he also ended up inadvertently activating the same C4 cache when he disarmed the last of Shell 2's decoy C4 explosives due to the same cache being rigged to activate when all of the decoy C4 were disarmed. Pliskin ended up knocked out in the resulting explosion shortly after Stillman's final message warning Pliskin and Raiden about the proximity microwave trigger with a seven foot (two meter) radius, on the C4. He ended up surviving the blast with the help of Otacon. In addition, after Raiden questioned him about toxins being released after Shell H was heavily damaged, Pliskin revealed he never heard of that and decided to investigate, also revealing that Shell 2 did not contain any hostages, meaning they were most likely in Shell 1. He also implied that saving U.S. President James Johnson and the hostages wasn't his mission, arousing Raiden’s suspicion s further. Afterwards, acting on Raiden's tip, Pliskin conducted a thorough investigation of Shell 2, and managed to hijack a Kasatka helicopter, with Otacon acting as pilot. Afterwards, he then briefly introduced Raiden to Otacon, via Codec, although they had to cut the meeting short when Pliskin had to fight off several Gurlukovich Mercenaries who had spotted them and attacked.

MGS2 Solid Snake

Solid Snake, armed with the modified Beretta M9.

Snake eventually met his genetic brother, the terrorist leader Solidus Snake, though he refused to acknowledge him as such. After aiding Raiden in his attack on Solidus’s Harrier jet on the Shell 1-2 connecting bridge, Snake revealed his true identity and mission to him, as the latter had overheard Solidus using Snake's name. He also once again met Olga and explained to her that it was in fact Revolver Ocelot who had killed her father Sergei. Snake later helped Raiden, Otacon and Emma install the reprogrammed computer virus, a digital counterpart of FOXDIE, into GW (Arsenal Gear's AI system), shortly before Emma died after being stabbed by Vamp. Snake worked together with Olga, using Raiden in order to gain access to Arsenal Gear and to acquire a disc that contained information on the true identities of the Patriots’s Wisemen's Committee. Once aboard Arsenal Gear, Snake gave Raiden Olga's H.F. Blade, and despite not being "a big fan of blades," he instructed Raiden on how to use it. He and Raiden then fought their way through an army of Arsenal Tengu soldiers. They were both eventually split up from one another, with Snake being captured by Fortune and brought to the top of Arsenal.

Atop Arsenal, Ocelot revealed his true colors to Solidus, Fortune, Snake and Raiden. But before he could kill them, Ocelot's right arm began to twitch, and Liquid Snake possessed him once more, revealing that he had leaked the information about Arsenal Gear to lure Snake out to the Big Shell so that Snake could "free him [Liquid]." Liquid (in Ocelot's body) then set off in RAY to kill the Patriots via his host, with Snake in pursuit. Although Snake failed to stop RAY, he placed a tracker on the Metal Gear and explained later to Raiden that his plan was for him to find the Patriots by deciphering the source code of Emma's worm cluster, admitting that the disc they gave Raiden was a decoy. He also declined Raiden's request to help Snake in Philanthropy and save Olga's child, as he suspected that even after the S3 Plan was complete, the Patriots would still monitor Raiden's vital signs and thus place Sunny in further danger of being killed should he try to help, and also hinted that Rosemary did indeed exist and that he should maintain his relationship to her before joining. He then slipped away unnoticed to Otacon's car and left, being long gone by the time Raiden remembered about Snake.[6] However, the data recovered from Arsenal showed that all 12 members had been dead for over a hundred years, and Philanthropy had lost their only lead. However, Snake eventually deduced that the information was a fake lead (or as he put it, five years later, "a load of crap").

Ускоренное старение и CQC

After the Big Shell Incident, Snake's Werner syndrome like symptoms gradually grew worse. His body began to age rapidly, with no doctors being able diagnose the cause. In addition, in 2011, although Snake had earlier promised Raiden that he would rescue Sunny from the Patriots, he wasn't able to get that chance, and ended up receiving Sunny via Raiden (albeit covertly on the latter's part). By 2014, Otacon and the various doctors who treated Snake estimated that Snake's life span would be a year at best.

Sometime prior to 2014, the Pentagon declassified documents relating to Big Boss's exploits during the 1960s, which evidently contributed greatly to his legend to the populace, and his CQC was also being taught in the military. After the army decided to implement CQC in an attempt to mimic Big Boss, he lifted his self imposed ban on CQC in order keep himself ahead of the other users (who had been using, as he called it, "cookie cutter imitations"), and adopted the use of a stun knife.



"Old Snake", circa 2014.

It was not until 2014 that Snake, now occasionally referred to as Old Snake, resurfaced for a final time. Liquid Ocelot (a fusion of Liquid Snake and Revolver Ocelot) was the leader of a new Outer Heaven, this time acting as a single mother company to five of the largest PMCs on the planet. With PMCs now taking over the world's armies in terms of firepower, Liquid was finally on the verge of world domination. With the world once again in crisis, Snake was dispatched to the Middle East as a personal favor to Campbell to assassinate Liquid. In addition, he was to meet up with a PMC investigation group, and was also given the cover job of inspecting PMCs.

Провальная попытка убийства


Snake in the Middle Eastern disguise.

Snake successfully made it to the PMC base that Liquid was using as his headquarters by disguising himself as a militia instructor for the militia in the region fighting off the Praying Mantis PMC, although he briefly lost the disguise after an ambush by several Gekko units, escaping with the use of his new OctoCamo suit. Snake once again met Meryl, who was now in command of the CID unit Rat Patrol Team 01. He also briefly witnessed the Beauty and the Beast unit when they wiped out a Middle Eastern militia platoon. However, he failed to assassinate Liquid in time due to the latter's sudden deactivation of the Sons of the Patriots system, which resulted in all the soldiers in the vicinity to experience mass convulsions from the sudden release of emotions, including Snake himself, although he was affected to a lesser degree. SOP was run by the Patriots with the purpose of monitoring and controlling every soldier engaged in combat action. Liquid's plan was to remove the system altogether, though his initial attempt had unforeseen consequences, when it caused the PMC's Middle Eastern base to descend into chaos (although the chaos unknowingly saved him from Snake's mission to kill him).

Проникновение в Южную Америку


Snake dressed as a member of the local militia.

Later, Otacon received a message from Naomi Hunter, who had been there in the Middle East to save Snake when the SOP System went haywire. The message contained a distress call as well as an encrypted map of Liquid's South American base in Soliton Radar format (a sign from Naomi that it was truly from her), the location of which Olga's daughter Sunny was able to trace. In addition, he was able to arrive at Liquid's base, located in a mountainous region (implied to be the Andes) surrounded by forests, by landing at the El Dorado International Airport with the cover job of a UN inspector as well as gaining a 4x4 vehicle, driving it as close to the security perimeter as he could before sneaking into the region, due to Roy Campbell's influence. Although Snake initially was to meet up with a rebel group to aid him in getting into Liquid Ocelot's primary base, the Vista Mansion, he was forced to change plans after Laughing Octopus murdered some rebel soldiers and spared one under the condition that he not forget "his" face (Laughing Octopus having disguised herself as Old Snake via FaceCamo at that time).


Snake during his medical examination.

Snake made it to the base where Naomi was held, and she gave him a thorough medical examination. It was during this that Snake discovered the harsh truth: his aging was not part of any external source, but the way he was designed as a clone, and also that the FOXDIE that Naomi injected him with almost a decade earlier will finally claim his life within six months. This was because the FOXDIE was also starting to mutate due to Snake's rapid aging, and would eventually lose its ability to kill by specific DNA patterns and indiscriminately infect anyone and everyone, effectively turning Snake into a walking biological weapon who could cause the deaths of millions. Because of this, he asked if killing himself would have any impact on stopping FOXDIE. Naomi confirmed this, stating that FOXDIE will also die with its host. Snake also learned from Naomi that he had a new FOXDIE strand that was injected into him recently, and immediately deduced that Drebin 893 was the one who injected it into him.

After defeating Laughing Octopus of the Beauty and the Beast Unit, as well as procuring her FaceCamo, Snake escaped with Naomi with the help of Drebin 893, a "gun launderer" he had met in the Middle East. They also picked up Raiden, who was now a Cyborg Ninja. He also learned from Naomi that, despite what he and anyone else believed earlier, Solid Snake was neither a perfect clone of Big Boss nor was he genetically identical to Liquid Snake, which also explained why the previous FOXDIE virus was not able to kill him earlier.

В Восточной Европе


Snake using his younger appearance to disguise as a civilian.

Raiden explained that he was acting under the orders of Big Mama, the leader of a small resistance group in Eastern Europe. He then disguised himself as a civilian in Eastern Europe, also putting his FaceCamo to good use by giving himself a younger look, and was tasked to meet up with a contact that Campbell supplied. However, Raven Sword anticipated this move and made sure to blacklist him if he carried the same nanomachines, which nearly resulted in his cover being blown before his contact, Meryl, managed to get him through. However, Snake and Meryl ended up getting into an argument regarding Liquid's threat level, as well as some of Snake's decisions. Snake, stalking a member of the resistance group, Paradise Lost, eventually found Big Mama, discovering she was the former Chinese spy who Big Boss had known, back when his codename was Naked Snake, as EVA. Due to her ties with Big Boss, she was able to explain most of the Patriots' history to him. She also revealed that she had Big Boss's body in her possession. After escaping an onslaught of Haven Troopers and defeating a second BB Corps member, Raging Raven, Snake found Liquid, who was in the midst of implementing the now perfected version of his plan. Taking control of the SOP system, Liquid used his now unbeatable army to kill every last soldier there, including Big Mama, save for Old Snake and the members of Rat Patrol. Luckily, in the chaos, Otacon was able to stow the Mk. II away with Naomi (who had returned to Liquid), and discovered Liquid's plan: to destroy JD and use GW to take over the Patriots AI system. As a result of the chaos in the final legs of the mission, he also received severe burns to the left side of his face.

Возвращение в Шэдоу Мозес и проникновение в Outer Haven


Snake in his OctoCamo, damaged by the microwave corridor.

Knowing Liquid was planning to do this by using the only non-Patriot controlled weapon in existence - the rail gun from Metal Gear REX - Snake followed Liquid back to Shadow Moses Island. There Snake managed to defeat Vamp, BB Corps member Crying Wolf, and a Metal Gear RAY piloted by Liquid, with Snake himself piloting REX against the latter. However, he was unable to kill Liquid or stop him from stealing the rail gun in time, a prize which Liquid quickly equipped to his own recreation of Arsenal Gear, Outer Haven. Snake, Meryl and Rat Patrol team member Johnny "Akiba" Sasaki infiltrated Outer Haven from the Шаблон:USS, where Snake defeated the last of the BB members, Screaming Mantis, as well as finally destroying GW, the Patriots' former AI which Liquid had managed to reassemble. Unbeknownst to Snake, the FOXALIVE worm cluster that he had uploaded to GW, spread to JD and the rest of the Patriots' AIs. Atop Outer Haven, Liquid revealed to Snake that he had wanted him to succeed in uploading the worm, and thus eliminate the Patriots' control, though he was unaware that the societal collapse, which he anticipated would come about, had been averted. Snake faced his "brother" in hand-to-hand combat one last time, where it was revealed that Liquid Ocelot no longer possessed the right arm of Liquid Snake, but rather a cybernetic prosthetic instead. Snake ultimately defeated Liquid, with Ocelot's former personality temporarily reasserting control prior to his death. After performing his signature hand gesture and commenting, "You're pretty good," he passed away, having succumbed to the new FOXDIE virus within Snake's body.

Финальное столкновение с Биг Боссом


Snake following the conclusion of Liquid Ocelot's Insurrection.

Some time later, Snake prepared to commit suicide to prevent the spread of the mutated strain of FOXDIE. He sat in front of Big Boss's grave with his gun in his mouth, but ultimately was unable to end his own life. Big Boss then appeared, returning the Patriot to the grave of The Boss and explained the full history of the Patriots from his point of view, and euthanized the now-vegetative Zero himself. He also revealed to Snake that Revolver Ocelot was never truly possessed by Liquid, but had put himself through hypnotherapy and implanted himself with nanomachines in order to make himself "believe" that he was Liquid Snake. This was done to throw off the Patriots who, being a computer program, could only repeat the same processes and would send Snake in to take down Liquid if they thought he was alive. Big Boss also revealed that when Drebin injected Snake with modern nanomachines in order to make him compatible with SOP weaponry, he also injected him with a second strain of FOXDIE, which was programmed to kill Big Mama, Liquid Ocelot, and Big Boss himself, but also cancelled out the original mutating FOXDIE; thus, Snake was no longer in danger of becoming a biological weapon. Snake and his father, who calmly accepted the fact that he was dying, finally made amends, and Big Boss, before dying, made Snake promise to live however much time he had left "not as a snake, but as a man." Determined to fulfill this promise, Snake decides to quit smoking and retreated with Otacon and Sunny, this time for good, to live out the remainder of his life in peace, resolving to live long enough to see what the future held for the new world he helped to create.

Личность и черты

Solid Snake, a hardened career soldier, often displayed a calm and collected demeanor, rarely showing any signs of fear in extreme circumstances. He buried his emotions deep inside himself, causing some to see him as cold and uncaring.[7][8] Despite this perceived attitude, Snake occasionally showed a more human side, expressing great concern for allies' well being during dangerous operations, and even demonstrating compassion towards fallen enemies. During the Zanzibar Land Disturbance, Snake claimed to be different from Big Boss, and that he loved life.[9] Unlike his clone brothers, Snake never displayed anger over his origins and accepted who he was.

Though mostly reserved, Snake showed some prominent change in his outlook towards life throughout the years. Big Boss's betrayal in 1995 and his battle to the death with Gray Fox and again with Big Boss in 1999 left a deep seeded emotional pain leading to PTSD, alcoholism, and cynicism. His reunion with Gray Fox at Shadow Moses and new found love towards Meryl invigorated his desire to live. With Philanthropy, Snake aspired towards building a better future for the world by eradicating Metal Gears and liberating humanity from digital subjugation. His accelerated aging, however, would create a morbid willingness to accept death as he was no longer exuberant in his words or actions in 2014. It was only by Big Boss's dying fatherly words that Snake was finally able to absolve himself of all guilt and torment and accept peace.

Though he was born with what were known as Big Boss's "flawed recessive genes," he defeated Liquid Snake, the son with the "dominant genes" on multiple confrontations in 2005. Solidus Snake, the perfect clone of Big Boss, expressed a mixed sense of admiration and envy towards his older brother as well in 2009. Perhaps it was because of the fact that Snake somehow managed to kill Big Boss when all odds favored the contrary that garnered such respect among the Snakes. Unlike Liquid and Solidus who spent their lives under the pressure of Big Boss's legend, Snake did not burden himself with the weight of his father's name since he defiantly sought out a life of his own. In the end, his indomitable will for justice made him the final survivor and victor among the clones because he lived through Naomi Hunter's theory spoken in Shadow Moses: not "to be chained to fate."

Of all the relationships he has had, his connection to Big Boss would have the biggest impact. He constantly struggled between respect and anger towards his former commander. Snake truly respected Big Boss. When Snake found out that Big Boss was actually the leader of Outer Heaven, he thought that this was unacceptable. Because of this, he refrained from using CQC for years. Moreover, he suffered greatly with the fact that he commited "patricide" despite being forced to save the world from a disaster. Before Snake faced off with Liquid at Shadow Moses, he described Liquid's desire for re-creating Outer Heaven insane and pointless, calling it out as "Big Boss's fantasy." Snake struggled to understand Big Boss' true motive for two decades believing that his betrayal was based on foul intentions. Nevertheless, he could never truly give up his respect to the legendary soldier as he visited his grave and saluted it and later chose to end his life right then and there after destroying the Patriots. When Big Boss explained his reasons for his uprising in the 1990s, Snake was finally able to find closure between their fates as old enemies. Not only that, Snake briefly, but finally, spent time as a son with his father.


Solid Snake

Due to his extensive military background, Snake found his calling on the battlefield, having spent most of his life there,[10] and believed it was the only place where he felt truly alive.[11] Because of this, he was often accused of enjoying the killing in warfare, by both allies and enemies.[11][12] Although Snake refused to admit to such views, his clone brother Liquid believed that he was in self denial,[12] while Psycho Mantis remarked that he was even "worse" in this regard than Liquid himself.[13] Despite conceding that he was "heartless," Snake showed himself to be self-sacrificing[14] and with a strong belief that even on a battlefield friendship[15] and love[16] can flourish, and that violence is not glorious.[17] Even so, Snake rejected any idea that he was a hero, in the face of praise and admiration from fellow operatives.[11] Though willing to take on the mission to Shadow Moses, Snake showed no sign of longing for the army or the country he was part of.[18] Snake also had a disdain for politicians.[19]

While Snake was often flirtatious towards his female team members,[20][21][22] and expressed interest in intimate relationships on occasion, he did not like getting involved with other people's lives and was a loner by nature. However, during the Shadow Moses Incident, Snake developed a powerful bond with Meryl, displaying uncharacteristic concern and care for her.[23] Although he was often blunt and logical with Meryl as he was with everybody else, he did show her a softer side of his personality, stating the beauty of Alaska and Meryl herself before leaving Shadow Moses.[24] Snake apparently was not too keen of younger-older relationships. When he found out about Colonel Campbell's "marriage" to Rose, Snake noted that she was young enough to be his daughter.

Following the Shadow Moses Incident, Snake developed a good friendship with Hal "Otacon" Emmerich, even developing their own personal handshake with one another. In regards to their anti-Metal Gear sabotage efforts, Snake did not consider himself a terrorist,[25] though he admitted that Philanthropy's actions might be perceived differently by others.


Snake and Otacon's handshake.

Just as Gray Fox did for him during Outer Heaven, Snake "showed the ropes" to Raiden, acting as a de facto mentor to the "rookie" and teaching him about his supplies and how to become a better soldier. Despite this, Snake was willing to use Raiden to further his mission, allowing him to infiltrate Arsenal Gear more easily during the Big Shell Incident by having enemy forces capture him temporarily.

During the events of Liquid Ocelot's Insurrection, Snake calmly accepted the inevitability of his impending death. Because of this, he was more willing to risk his life, as demonstrated during the Missouri debriefing. However, he would often become annoyed upon being reminded of his accelerated age, once telling Otacon to "cut the senior citizen crap" and his psyche dropping at occasional moments when called "Old Snake." When Raiden offered to head to the microwave-protected server room on Outer Haven, Snake refused, saying that Raiden shouldn't "waste [his] youth." Through sheer willpower, Snake survived passing through the corridor, and went on to defeat Liquid Ocelot in hand-to-hand combat. Big Boss noted that Snake had always fought for something more than himself. Big Boss also noted that if Snake had been in his place then the mistakes that he had made may not have come to pass. By this time, Snake had also developed an apprehension to nanomachine injections, due to Naomi's betrayal at Shadow Moses, and initially refused to allow Drebin 893 to administer a shot to him.

Through years of training and experience, he developed heightened levels of endurance and reflexes, surviving prolonged periods of pain,[26] torture,[27] and narrowly evading numerous near-fatal incidents.[28]


Snake, holding the H&K Mk. 23 SOCOM.

Snake was a heavy cigarette smoker. During Operations Intrude N313 and F014, he smoked an unfiltered version of "Lucky Strikes."[29][30] During the Shadow Moses Incident, he smoked "Moslems,"[31][32] his favorite brand at that time, which was a type of "bent cigarette"[32] designed to reduce second-hand smoke.[33] During Liquid Ocelot's Insurrection, he smoked a brand called "The Boss," which were unfiltered hand-rolled cigarettes, each containing 16 mg of tar. Snake didn't like being lectured on the dangers of smoking. During the same time, he often ignored the no-smoking policy onboard the Nomad, often resulting in Sunny telling him off when she found out or caught him in the act. After sharing one last smoke with his father Big Boss, Snake decided to quit smoking.

Snake disliked wearing hats, preferring his bandana, despite "Master Miller" warning him that 70% of body heat dissipates from the head. Snake likewise was not too keen with using bladed weapons, informing Raiden as much during the Big Shell Incident. He did nonetheless have knowledge on how to use them, and in 2014, he also utilized a stun knife during his operations.

Snake did not possess any qualms for doing things that are normally considered unacceptable social behavior if it meant completing a mission. For example, Snake entered the women's bathroom in both the Zanzibar Land and the Shadow Moses facilities in order to find a disguised female contact (Gustava Heffner and Meryl Silverburgh, respectively). In the former instance, after Snake made contact with Dr. Marv, Dr. Madnar told Snake to look for Gustava there due to her disguise.[34] In the latter, even though Colonel Campbell and Otacon had no problems about it,[35][36] Nastasha complained to Snake about being in there,[37] while Mei Ling was angry at him.[38] He even encouraged Raiden to do the same thing during the Big Shell Incident.[39]

Snake was fluent in six languages, including French.[40] Although he was unfamiliar with Czech during the Zanzibar Land Disturbance, he was able to recognize the term "Matka Pluku," when Raiden told him of Big Mama's alias during Liquid Ocelot's Insurrection. Conversely, his knowledge of computer programming was somewhat limited, often relying on more technical-minded allies to deal with such matters during missions.[41][42] Unlike his father, Snake was somewhat knowledgeable about popular media, having partially named an alias from the character Snake Plissken from Escape from New York, and once referenced Star Wars by describing Outer Haven as Liquid Ocelot's "very own Death Star."

Snake seems not to believe in the supernatural; when Otacon explained the technology to attach to walls, he asked if Vamp could have used it during the Big Shell Incident. Otacon said it was possible, but Snake assured Otacon that he was not supernatural and despite the visual evidence, believed that Vamp was not actually immortal.

The Shocking Conspiracy Behind Shadow Moses

It is possible that a Stealth Camo-equipped Snake returned to the Fox Archipelago in 2007, while trailing journalist Gary McGolden. According to his magazine article, The Shocking Conspiracy Behind Shadow Moses, McGolden had received an optical disc from an unknown source, containing Nastasha Romanenko's novel In the Darkness of Shadow Moses. After supposedly journeying to the island himself in order to verify Nastasha's account, McGolden was captured and interrogated by an unknown party and subsequently rescued by an "invisible" savior. The article helped to give more exposure to Nastasha's novel, though its publisher raised doubts as to the accuracy of McGolden's report.

Неподтверждённая история

Следующая информация была подробно изложена в официальных лицензированных Konami средствах массовой информации, написанных различными внешними авторами. Её статус в каноне Metal Gear не подтверждён.[?]

The Twin Snakes were born as a result of a ninth batch of clones, in Carlsbad, New Mexico.[43] David then spent the first ten years of his life in the state of Oregon where he underwent intense military training, being raised and taught by a variety of teachers.[44] During the summer months of his childhood, he would make weekly visits to a small, privately owned theme park known as "Kiddieland."[45]

When first joining FOXHOUND, he heard Big Boss's speech during the initiation ceremony, although he never made the connection between it and Gray Fox's last words during the Shadow Moses Incident until meeting with Big Boss at Arlington nearly twenty years later.[46]

After joining FOXHOUND, Snake became knowledgeable in various foreign languages, including Russian[47] and Slavic.[48] Following his retirement from the unit, and his brief stint in the CIA, Snake was responsible for the assassination of several despotic dictators during his years as a mercenary.[49] After the events of the Zanzibar Land Disturbance, Snake retreated to Alaska, where he resided in a small log cabin, and lived off the native flora and fauna, developing a taste for blueberries and salmonberries.[49] Befriending an Inuit of the Yup'ik tribe, who helped him to train sleigh dogs, Snake indulged in Huskie sleigh racing in an attempt to banish the intense hallucinations, guilt, and flashbacks of battlefield trauma that he suffered from.[49]

Solid Snake was an atheist, and told Otacon as much before committing suicide, asking he pray for him.[50]

За сценой

Шаблон:Nihongo is one of the main protagonists of Konami's Metal Gear series. Created by Hideo Kojima, Snake was introduced in the first game of the series, Metal Gear (1987), and has appeared in the majority of the subsequent games and spin-offs. Akio Ōtsuka provided Snake's Japanese voice, while actor and screenwriter David Hayter provided his English voice.

Among the three main protagonists of the Metal Gear series (himself, Big Boss, and Raiden), Snake is the only one to have not lost either the use of an eye or the eye itself, although he did wear an eyepatch-like device, the Solid Eye, to assist in his vision in Metal Gear Solid 4. Similarly, he does not lose any other body parts, unlike Raiden who lost most of his body after becoming a Cyborg Ninja, and Big Boss who lost his left arm. He does however suffer severe burns to the left side of his face after trying to save Big Mama from a fire.

In early games, Snake is depicted as the main protagonist of the Metal Gear series. However, that role has been passed to Big Boss, as he acquired a prominent status as a character in the five prequel games that he appears in as the protagonist.

Ранние игры серии Metal Gear

Much as Metal Gear began as a pastiche of action movies of the time, Snake began as a pastiche of contemporary action movie heroes. Kojima based Snake on a number of different characters, including Escape from New York’s Snake Plissken, which inspired the name.[49][51] The addition of "Solid" was Kojima's intent to create a paradoxical name, in contrast to the smooth motion commonly attributed to snakes, and to express the character's strong image.[51] He did not choose a more specific type of snake for the protagonist's name (e.g. cobra, anaconda, viper, etc.) in order to make the character less defined and to serve as an extension of the player.[52][53][54] Kojima described Snake's role in the original Metal Gear as the "player's presence," contrasting the defined personality he acquired in later games in the series. The ambiguity of his character was contributed to by Metal Gear's limited script, in which he only speaks five times. Although Snake Plisskin inspired the name, Kojima denied that he was the basis for Snake's personality, which instead was developed as the series itself progressed.[55] Snake's appearance on the cover artwork for Metal Gear is based on a screenshot of actor Michael Biehn, in character as Kyle Reese in the 1984 film The Terminator.[56][57]

Solid Snake (MG)

Solid Snake, from Metal Gear's user manual.

The MSX2 user's manual for Metal Gear implied that Operation Intrude N313 was Snake's first experience of being on the battlefield.[58] This was retconned in later games, when it was established that FOXHOUND only pick recruits who had previous experience within the military, and that Snake had participated in the Gulf War as a Green Beret. In the Nintendo Entertainment System manual, it was stated that prior to Operation Intrude N313, Snake was a former Marine who had taken part in the Grenada Invasion, and in fact had been recruited into FOXHOUND due to his heroic actions during that conflict. However, the NES version of the game and its localized story by Konami of America is non-canon, as Kojima himself has denounced it.

In the Worlds of Power novelization of Metal Gear, based on the NES version, Solid Snake is given the name of "Justin Halley" and he uses his handgun only once to shoot out a lock.


Solid Snake as he appears in the opening/ending of the original MSX2 version of Metal Gear 2.

In the original version of Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, released exclusively in Japan, Snake's appearance in the intro resembles actor Mel Gibson; his in-game appearance is also speculated to be modeled after either Gibson or Sylvester Stallone.[59][60] In the re-released versions, Snake's appearance was brought more in line with his altered presentation in the sequel Metal Gear Solid.

Snake's biography, featured in Metal Gear 2's MSX2 manual, revealed that he was of Japanese-British descent, though his origins, much like his military background, would be retconned in later games in the series. His Japanese heritage, however, was retained.

Metal Gear Solid

In addition to expanding Solid Snake's backstory, as the first canon Metal Gear game to feature voice acting (although the Tiger Electronic LCD game talk handheld version of Snake's Revenge did have Snake talking), Metal Gear Solid established his characteristic voice and appearance. Yoji Shinkawa's Solid Snake design, characterized by his navy blue bandana and "sneaking suit", would serve as the template for all future incarnations of Snake in later Metal Gear games. According to Shinkawa, Snake's physique in Metal Gear Solid was based on that of action star Jean-Claude Van Damme, while his facial appearance in the same game was inspired by actor Christopher Walken. Shinkawa described his rendition of Solid Snake from Metal Gear Solid as a middle ground between the younger Snake who graced the cover artwork of the first Metal Gear and the middle-aged Snake in the MSX2 version of Metal Gear 2.[49] Kojima introduced the cloning origins of Solid Snake to Metal Gear Solid in order to provide Solid Snake with an adversary who would be his equal, since the story, being a continuation to the original MSX2 games, established Snake as an experienced soldier. He later expressed the decision as "cheating."[61]

Snake's real name, Шаблон:Nihongo, which was revealed at the end of Metal Gear Solid, is a reference to two fictional characters: David Bowman from 2001: A Space Odyssey[62] and Dave Forrest from Policenauts (which was also created by Kojima). While Snake shares the same given name with his English voice actor, David Hayter, this was not intentional (contrary to popular belief) and is merely coincidental. The name David is of Hebrew origin and was used by the biblical King David, who managed to slay the giant Goliath with a slingshot and a sword. Similarly, Solid Snake also overcame several almost impossible challenges despite being a clone created from supposedly inferior genes.


Solid Snake

In the Shadow Moses briefing files for the original game, Solid Snake appears to have fair-colored hair. Shinkawa said in an interview that Snake's hair might be naturally blond, and that he had probably dyed it brown before infiltrating Shadow Moses, while commenting on his designs for Snake's alias in the game's sequel, Iroquois Pliskin.[63] In the remake, Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes, Snake is instead clearly shown to have dark-colored hair in the corresponding briefing files. Snake, like Liquid and Big Boss, sported a mullet, as seen in the briefing, but he trimmed it before infiltrating Shadow Moses. He also had a mullet in Metal Gear Solid 2 and Metal Gear Solid 4.

It remains unclear as to which clone was created to express Big Boss's dominant or recessive traits, since Liquid Snake's exposition on Les Enfants Terribles is contradicted by Ocelot's later report to Solidus, regarding which clone was designated the "inferior" one. The subject of Big Boss's dominant and recessive traits, in regards to the clones' gene expression, is never referred again in other games in the series, after Metal Gear Solid. A recap of Liquid's dialogue was included in the fictional in-game novel In the Darkness of Shadow Moses, but there is no mention of dominant and recessive traits. However, the dialogue remains essentially unchanged from the original game, in its 2004 remake, The Twin Snakes.

Just prior to the second fight with Vulcan Raven during Metal Gear Solid and its remake, Raven referred to Solid Snake as "Kasack," which is a word similar in pronunciation with the Russian name "Cossack," which means "One of a warlike, pastoral people, skillful as horsemen, inhabiting different parts of the Russian empire and furnishing valuable contingents of irregular cavalry to its armies, those of Little Russia and those of the Don forming the principal divisions."

Due to a couple of inferences in Metal Gear Solid, as well as the canonical ending of Snake leaving Shadow Moses with Meryl, many fans believe that the two became a couple. However, this issue has never been officially confirmed.

The cover for the Japanese manual for Metal Gear Solid depicted Solid Snake with a knife, although he was never actually seen using a knife in the game itself.

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

For Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, Kojima explained that his decision to introduce a new playable character in Solid Snake's place was done in order to develop Snake from another character's perspective, but also to avoid treating Snake as a rookie by having a new character be instructed via Codec instead.


Concept art featuring Pliskin with blond hair.

An early rendition of Snake as Шаблон:Nihongo possessed blond hair, much like his originally intended hair color in Metal Gear Solid. The idea made it as far as actual game testing, and was also included in the official script[64] but was shelved in favor of dark hair. Testers cited a lack of association to Snake from Metal Gear Solid as the reason. Pliskin's attire in the game is almost identical to Snake's appearance in Metal Gear right down to the headset and the color of his clothing. Upon closer inspection of Pliskin's equipment, a few shotgun shells can be seen tucked into his vest.

In Kojima's "Grand Game Plan" for Metal Gear Solid 2, Pliskin was originally to have come off as seemingly bumbling in order to have the player doubt that he was Solid Snake. He was also to have worn a cross around his neck, which is what saved him from being killed by Vamp (as Vamp was afraid of crosses/crucifixes due to the church bombing in Romania). Snake’s true identity would have been revealed after Fortune identified his blood. In addition, he was originally supposed to hold the rank of Master Chief Petty Officer. He also was to end up captured alongside Raiden and interrogated by Vamp and Fortune, when their attempt at rescuing Emma Emmerich backfired. Pliskin during this time would also have apparently died during the torture, although he would later be revealed to have survived. A story idea suggested that the Patriots were wary of Snake, due to the possibility of him being a spy for China.

Solid Snake concept art.

In Metal Gear Solid 2, due to a placement error of Codec calls, Snake will deny any knowledge of Outer Heaven if asked by Raiden about it shortly after the Harrier battle despite the fact Snake was no longer using the alias of Iroquois Pliskin by that point.

The handshake that Snake and Otacon performed, shortly after Emma's death, was a physical representation of the Konami Code (Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A). Likewise, if the player inputs the Konami Code on the game clear screen, Solid Snake will be heard saying either "What do you think you're doing!?" or "STOP FOOLIN' AROUND KID!"

If the player manages to retrieve the shaver and supply it to Solid Snake (while disguised as Iroquois Pliskin) during their first meeting, Snake will appear clean-shaven when meeting up with Raiden on Arsenal Gear.

During the Tanker chapter's Codec conversations, if the player presses R1 to listen to his positive thoughts, Snake will remark "Hey, I'm the main character!" or "I'm the hero of this game!", the latter of which is despite Snake remarking in both Metal Gear Solid and Metal Gear Solid 4 that he was not a hero and never will be.[11]

Killing Snake after rendezvousing with him at Arsenal Gear will have the Colonel laugh during the game over sequence.

Игровой процесс

During Raiden's first meeting with Pliskin in Strut B, the player has the opportunity to directly interact with him:

  • If the player points their weapon at Pliskin while he is asleep, the blue "!" will be displayed above his head, and he will point his M4 at the player immediately, asking "Think you can shoot that thing?!/I wouldn't do that if I were you?/What are you thinking!?"
  • If the player punches Pliskin after he falls asleep, he becomes confused upon waking and the blue "?" will appear above his head.
  • If the player calls Pliskin by Codec while he is sleeping, he will start to mumble in his sleep. He can even be heard saying "Meryl..." and later shouting "Liquid!" before falling back asleep.
  • Shooting at Pliskin with the SOCOM pistol, or punching him two times, will cause him to shoot back and yell "Damn Kid/Moron!" Shooting him enough times will cause him to remain alert and shoot on sight until the player either leaves the area or tranquilizes him with the M9.
  • If the player shoots Pliskin and calls him on the Codec, he will yell "Raiden, I am on your side!" However, during the last cutscene on the Big Shell, right before the player is attacked by Olga Gurlukovich and Pliskin, Raiden will ask "You're changing sides now?", to which Pliskin responds "Changing sides? I don't recall saying I was on yours."
  • Exiting to the CD connecting bridge immediately after the meeting, will cause the player to see a man in a cardboard box sneaking across to Strut D. Shooting or closely approaching the box will cause a red "!" to show above the man's head, who will then run away to escape. If the player calls Pliskin, he will feign ignorance, with Raiden humorously commenting that the man in the box "must be completely insane," and a "psycho," to be seen like that, and even speculated that he might have been a member of Dead Cell.[65]

Snake Tales

Solid Snake was also playable in the non-canonical Snake Tales stories. In Confidential Legacy, because of the events of the story taking place six months after the Shadow Moses Incident, Solid Snake is wearing the entire version of the Metal Gear Solid-era Sneaking Suit rather than the stripped down one in Metal Gear Solid 2. Likewise, in Dead Man Whispers, he also briefly adopted the alias of Iroquois Pliskin under Scott Dolph's request when he was invited to participate in a SEALs training operation onboard the Big Shell, as a means of not drawing attention to himself.

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

Although Solid Snake does not appear in the main game itself, due to it taking place eight years before his birth via Les Enfant Terribles, he is foreshadowed at a few points, such as during The Sorrow's battle, and Para-Medic expressing interest in Naked Snake's genes. In addition, the timeline supplies the information regarding Solid Snake's birth. In addition, Naked Snake's character was created primarily to create a differential factor from Solid Snake, with Kojima citing the latter as being "A created monster" and that "Feelings are against his [Solid Snake's] character and personality. He just follows orders."[61]

He does, however, play a major part, and is the playable character, in the non-canonical Metal Gear SolidApe Escape crossover minigame included in Metal Gear Solid 3, Snake vs. Monkey. In it, he was summoned from vacation by Colonel Campbell to retrieve monkeys (or rather, apes) that had escaped. He is baffled and wonders why he was even hired for a job like that, until he learns that the Professor (from Ape Escape) was the one who suggested to Otacon to have Snake be hired for the job. Because Snake vs. Monkey uses Metal Gear Solid 3's game engine, Solid Snake's appearance in this game is based on Naked Snake's pre-torture character model.

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots was intended to be the final canonical Metal Gear game to feature Solid Snake as the main character. Kojima himself has stated that the series will continue but he does not want the character to be handled by anyone else.[66] He apparently backed out of that decision, however, as he stated that Solid Snake may reappear in another future Metal Gear Solid game.[67]

In the original ending of Metal Gear Solid 4, Solid Snake and Otacon would have turned themselves in to be executed for their crimes. The staff at Kojima Productions were strongly opposed to this idea, and convinced Kojima to change it.

The Metal Gear Solid 4 Database mistakenly places Snake's recruitment by the CIA as occurring after the Zanzibar Land Disturbance, rather than before.

During gameplay, Snake may throw out his back after doing a forward roll (with his Psyche gauge decreasing slightly) and will get up rather slowly, while holding his back, further portraying his now-advanced years. Similarly, if the player dies during combat or some other related death, chooses to continue, and calls Rosemary, he will mention seeing himself having been killed in that manner (or in the case of the player being killed via explosion, Rosemary will admit she dreamed of Snake being killed via an explosion). In one particular call, Rosemary will also speculate that Snake is suffering from a mild case of depersonalization disorder.

According to the director's commentary, most of Solid Snake's mannerisms (including the way he smokes his cigarettes) were replicated from that of his voice actor, Akio Ōtsuka.[68]

Потенциальное появление в будущем


Snake's reappearance?

Hideo Kojima, in a Twitter blog, posted a picture of Yoji Shinkawa drawing Solid Snake as well as a female character, possibly implying that Snake will reappear in a future game. The artwork was later appeared on the packaging of the Metal Gear REX model kit by Kotobukiya.[69] In addition, Kojima stated on his Japanese Twitter account that Solid Snake will have a major role in a future game, although he did not specify whether the future game was Metal Gear Solid 5 or another Metal Gear Solid game.[67] He also claimed in an interview with the French gaming magazine IG that he "isn't finished with Snake yet, even though he intended to kill him off earlier in 4." This was later confirmed when it was announced on November 15, 2013 that the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 versions of Ground Zeroes would include a special "Déjà Vu" mission that stars Solid Snake, who is referred to as "Classic Snake" by Kojima.

Другие появления

There are two non-canon games in which Snake does not smoke: one is Snake's Revenge, an initial attempt to make a Western-aimed sequel to Metal Gear for the NES; the other is Metal Gear: Ghost Babel, where he instead starts the game with a Fogger, described by the Item box as a "device that lights up and emits smoke." Ghost Babel's opening scene, however, does show him smoking a cigarette, while waiting aboard a cargo plane, en route to Gindra.

Snake's Revenge

Solid Snake is the playable character of the unofficial sequel Snake's Revenge. Snake's in-game appearance resembles that of Austrian bodybuilder and actor Arnold Schwarzenegger. Snake was promoted to Lieutenant sometime after the events of Operation Intrude N313 and remained a member of FOXHOUND. He is called into action in order to investigate rumors of a nation mass producing the TX-55 Metal Gear (referred to as "Metal Gear 1" in-game).

After infiltrating the enemy's main warehouse, Snake uncovered evidence that the nation had not only been mass producing Metal Gear 1, but had also began to ship them to other countries. Snake then infiltrated the enemy tanker transporting them, and then blew up its ammunition room in order to sink it. Afterwards, he learned from his support group's helicopter pilot that contact had been lost with the FOXHOUND operatives, and that the nation also built an entirely new Metal Gear model: Metal Gear 2. Snake discovered that the leader of the nation was actually former FOXHOUND commander Big Boss, the mastermind behind Outer Heaven, and that in order to defeat him, he had to lure him out of the command room. He later entered Big Boss's command room, where Big Boss explained that after Outer Heaven was destroyed, he suffered extensive injuries that resulted in him becoming a cyborg, and he wanted revenge. Snake fought his former commanding officer, but after seemingly defeating him, Big Boss transformed into a giant robotic version of himself. Placing mines at Big Boss's feet after luring him out, Snake killed Big Boss once and for all, and managed to destroy Metal Gear 2 before it could launch its nukes into New York, Tokyo, and Moscow.

According to the back of the game's box, Solid Snake also spent his time pursuing Colonel Vermon CaTaffy (the supposed villain of Metal Gear) out of vengeance because of the latter killing two of his comrades shortly after he succeeded in his mission.

Metal Gear: Ghost Babel

See Solid Snake (Ghost Babel)

Solid Snake is the main character in the non-canon Game Boy Color game Metal Gear: Ghost Babel, known as Metal Gear Solid outside Japan. He is brought out of retirement to thwart a terrorist plot in the African country of Gindra, located around the same area as in Outer Heaven, after its liberation front hijacked a Metal Gear.

Metal Gear Solid аудио драма


Solid Snake in the Metal Gear Solid audio drama.

Solid Snake reappears in the audio drama for Metal Gear Solid that is set at some point after the events of Shadow Moses. Unlike in the other games, FOXHOUND was not disbanded following the incident. Solid Snake is sent to the Basra Republic by Roy Campbell to rendezvous with Meryl Silverburgh after her and a unit of UN peace negotiators were forced to crash land in the region, also getting help from a member of Delta Force member Allen Iishiba. Afterwards, he helped Mei Ling infiltrate a neo-communist island of San Chago in order to acquire evidence of a chemical plant that is secretly being built on the island and then expose its existence. While undergoing this portion of the mission, he also ends up getting into an argument with Mei Ling in regards to whether killing child soldiers is any different than killing regular soldiers, to which Snake states that there is no difference. Snake later has to undergo an unofficial rescue mission for Roy Campbell after the latter ended up captured by the enemy.

Metal Gear Acid

See Solid Snake (Metal Gear Acid)

Solid Snake is the main character in the turn-based strategy game, Metal Gear Acid. He is brought out of retirement to obtain data on a secret project conducted on Lobito Island, and to help thwart a terrorist plot.

Metal Gear Solid Mobile

Metal Gear Solid Mobile is set some time after the events of the Shadow Moses Incident. Philanthropy received intelligence from a woman named Victoria Reed that a Metal Gear REX model was being built by the company she was working for. Snake was sent in, but quickly discovered that the whole thing was a ruse. Victoria was an AI, and Snake had really been sent in so that the terrorists could take over the facility once Snake had disabled the security system. Pressing on, Snake later realized that the Otacon he had been talking was also an AI, as it started to glitch. The real Otacon eventually managed to contact Snake and they decided it would be easier for Snake to finish the mission instead of Otacon hacking him out. Snake eventually overthrew the virtual terrorist threat, and defeated their leader.

When Snake awoke from the VR, he overheard two voices talking. They stated that Snake was unable to provide them with the data they needed, and proceeded to erase his memory of the events.

Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Plus

Шаблон:MPO stats Snake is an unique recruitable character in Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Plus, under the Old Snake codename, and featuring his aged appearance from Metal Gear Solid 4. In addition, because Portable Ops Plus was released before Metal Gear Solid 4, this also marks the first time that Solid Snake appeared as Old Snake in terms of the overall series. When he is recruited, Campbell remarks, "Some old guy joined our team. Kinda reminds me of Snake" (referring to Old Snake's obvious similarities to his father, Naked Snake).[70] He is equipped with an M4 (SOPMOD) and a stun knife when newly recruited. In-game, Old Snake has the same stats and skills as Naked Snake but his maximum stamina and health are the highest among special characters, surpassing Raiden, Campbell and even Naked Snake. Players can unlock him by completing "Infinity Mission" under the Medium difficulty.

"A legendary mercenary and former member of FOXHOUND, he single-handedly overthrow the fortress states of Outer Heaven and Zanzibar Land, and ended the terrorist crisis on Shadow Moses Island. Along with Otacon, founded "Philanthropy," an anti-Metal Gear movement."
― Character description in Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Plus

Although Snake does not actually appear in Portable Ops due to it taking place two years prior to his "birth," he was briefly alluded to by Elisa/Ursula while dying, where she explains the future to Big Boss.

Metal Gear Online

Although Old Snake was not playable in the initial release of the SCENE Expansion of Metal Gear Online, he was downloadable on June 16, 2009 for the SCENE Expansion, alongside the stage Icebound Inferno, based on the Snowfield area of Shadow Moses Island. He also comes with a unique weapon called the OctoCamo suit. Solid Snake's OctoCamo, unlike the main game, and Sneaking Matches, will not render him completely invisible, but rather it will help him blend into the main environment. In addition, his Command Vest and his holster are also included as unlockable equipment in the rewards shop with its own colorized index, four of which are based on the areas he went to. If tranquilized, he will sometimes say either "Liquid..." or "Makes me too frisky..." It should be noted that he is the only playable character, unique or otherwise to have more than one sleep talk phrase (having two).

Besides his playability, he is also alluded to in a sleep talk by Female Soldiers with the "H" option of voices, where she says "...Uhmmm... watch it, Snake..."

Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker

Aside from his mention in Kazuhira Miller's phone call, Solid Snake also makes a cameo appearance in the English version of Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, on the cover of the appropriately named Solid Magazine. The cameo resulted when the English version had to change a few items during localization due to their being real life products (in Solid Magazine's case, it was Weekly Famitsu). Although the cover mentioned references to UMAs and Area 51, there was one line that was uttered by Solid Snake, "KeptYOUwaiting", a variation of his line in Metal Gear Solid 2 in direct reference to the player in the beginning of the Tanker Chapter.

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance


Wooden Sword with Solid Snake's Soul.

Because Metal Gear Rising takes place four years after the events of Metal Gear Solid 4, and thus Snake's implied death by that point, he does not actually appear in this game. Snake does, however, receive a brief mention by Raiden in an optional Codec conversation with Kevin Washington, where he explained that he decided to use Raiden in place of Jack to craft a new life based on someone's advice (referring to Snake's speech at the end of Metal Gear Solid 2). During another Codec conversation with Kevin, due to the ambiguous nature of his fate, Raiden referred to Snake in the present tense, while Kevin referred to him in the past tense. Additionally, when Sunny is launching the vehicle to send Raiden to Pakistan, she says "this is a no-smoking flight," obviously referring to Snake, and Raiden chuckles in response. There is also a wooden sword called "Snake's Soul", a DLC-exclusive item. It contains voice samples from Snake whenever it is swung.[71] It was released in Japan in April 2013 along with the VR DLC. It is unknown if it will receive an international release.

Metal Gear Solid: Social Ops

Although not in the game itself, one of the trading cards released was based on Snake during the Shadow Moses Incident. Unlike most cards, the card wasn't actually based on a prior game appearance (either Metal Gear Solid or its remake, The Twin Snakes). Rather, it was based on the Play Arts Kai figurine.

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes


Classic Snake as he appears in the Deja Vu mission.

Snake appears in the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 versions of Ground Zeroes. He has his own exclusive "Déjà Vu mission", which is based on the events of the Shadow Moses Incident. His appearance is modeled directly after his in-game render from Metal Gear Solid, hence his alternate codename of "Classic Snake." This also reflects on the original PlayStation's technical capabilities in supporting retro lower-polygon models, and lower-resolution textures.

In the mission, Classic Snake has to recreate images to match up with mysterious, yet oddly familiar instances depicted in them.


В серии Metal Gear

В других проектах

Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou


In chapter 18 of the manga, the manga references Snake in his cardboard box with a Genome Soldier. In the later parts, a character called Mia walks around in a box called with the letters "SNAKE" written on it and is wearing a different version of Snake's Sneaking Suit. Another character called Rachnera is wearing a rather exposed version of The Boss's white sneaking suit.


Snake makes a cameo appearance in the Game Boy Advance game, Yu-Gi-Oh! 7 Trials to Glory: World Championship Tournament 2005, after the player unlocks the Mystic Lands. He is hiding in a cardboard box and when spoken to says "I don't know why I'm revealing this, but I'm a secret spy. I was hired by an organization, which shall remain nameless, in order to study this Shadow World."

In the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game, the card "Tactical Espionage Expert" is based on Snake.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl


Solid Snake, as seen in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Solid Snake is a playable character in Super Smash Bros. Brawl for Nintendo's Wii console. When Snake is selected with the Wii Remote he says "It's show time!", which he also said in the premiere trailer. Snake uses explosives, RPGs, and grenades, with a mix of CQC, the Cypher from Metal Gear Solid 2, and the trademark cardboard box as a taunt. His "Final Smash" super move has him hanging from a helicopter on a rope ladder, firing a grenade launcher at the rest of the combatants. In order to keep the game kid friendly, Snake never uses knives or firearms, despite there being a pistol in his leg holster, and solely relies on explosives in-game. In addition, Snake's entrance has him appearing with electric bolts on the ground before rising up, referring to his opening appearance in Metal Gear Solid 2's Tanker Chapter, where after landing on the U.S.S. Discovery tanker, his stealth camo malfunctions.

He is the first third party character in the game, the other being SEGA's mascot, Sonic the Hedgehog.

In the Shadow Moses Island stage, Snake can use the Codec to contact Colonel Campbell, Otacon, or Mei Ling, in order to acquire intel on his opponents. The Codec in Brawl is based on the Metal Gear Solid version, which utilizes animated character artwork, though Snake's icon has been modified to match his in-game appearance. To use the Codec, the player must press the down taunt button and release very quickly. During Codec dialogue, Snake is revealed to be a fan of Captain Falcon, with he and Otacon referring to the Captain's signature Falcon Punch and Falcon Kick moves as something they have always wanted to try themselves. When Snake contacts Otacon and Mei Ling, regarding Samus Aran, it is implied that Snake may be infatuated with the bounty hunter. Snake also knows Mario to be a world-wide celebrity; criticizes Link's lack of speed due to his plethora of equipment; defends Luigi from verbal attack by the Colonel (presumably the AI); and believes that Pit is a mutant due to skepticism towards his being an angel. Slippy Toad, from the Star Fox series, hacks into the Colonel's frequency when trying to get information on Falco; Snake is impressed at Slippy's invention of a multi-purpose shield generator, requesting that he also build a weapon for him. It is also revealed that Snake fears Ganondorf, stating "This guy is giving off a murderous vibe! Even getting close to him makes my skin crawl..." If Snake is KOed by his enemies while making a Codec call, the characters that he has called will repeatedly shout his name in the same manner as the main series' Game Over screen. Snake also acts in a similar fashion towards Colonel Campbell, when the latter vilifies Luigi and begins repeating the phrase "La Li Lu Le Lo." When fighting Sonic the Hedgehog, Snake remarks "something about that hedgehog rubs me the wrong way," but refuses to explain why, merely stating, "...I just don't like him." This is a reference to the father of Snake's Japanese voice actor being the Japanese voice of Dr. Robotnik, Sonic's worst enemy. Another meaning of the joke (and the one that makes sense in America) is that hedgehogs actually eat snakes.

Snake 070921g-l

Snake using the Nikita launcher, in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Solid Snake's character model in Super Smash Bros. Brawl combines traits from both the Metal Gear series' Solid Snake and the young Big Boss; Naked Snake. While the Snake of Brawl wears the MGS2 Sneaking Suit, he also has a full beard similar to Naked Snake, whereas his Metal Gear counterpart is usually portrayed with only stubble. Additionally, in one palette swap (Tiger Stripe), Snake wears Naked Snake's green bandana as opposed to Solid Snake's trademark gray-blue one. Furthermore, in his Codec call about Yoshi, Snake suggests to Otacon that he capture him and "see what he tastes like," which was Naked Snake's typical response to animal life in Metal Gear Solid 3. This design for Solid Snake was later reused for one of his renders in the 2012 E3 Battle.

Snake is the only character to be given actual dialogue in "The Subspace Emissary" Adventure mode, when he first becomes playable in the storyline, remarking "Kept you waiting, huh?" Similarly, he is the only character to refer to the events of "The Subspace Emissary" in gameplay outside of the Adventure mode, commenting that he has seen Meta Knight's ship, the Halberd, while speaking to Mei Ling via Codec.

In "The Subspace Emissary," Snake infiltrates the Halberd, and spends most of the story hiding in the cardboard box. He attempts to hide from Lucario and Meta Knight, but fails after Lucario detects him hiding in the box using his aura powers. A fight seemed inevitable, but they put aside their differences and team up when they realize that some security primids are approaching in their direction. After becoming involved in saving the princesses on the Halberd, he, Lucario, and Meta Knight infiltrate the bridge area, where they discover various Mr. Game and Watches copies manning the bridge. They then tackle them, knocking them all from the bridge, though the multitude of Mr. Game and Watches later merge together into Duon. Snake attempts to fight it along with Fox, Zelda/Shiek, Peach, Lucario, and Falco. He is later turned into a trophy by Tabuu, only to be revived before the final confrontation.

Clearing "Classic Mode" with Snake will award a trophy of Snake, with the following description:

A former member of FOXHOUND with an IQ of 180 and mastery of six languages. He's an infiltration specialist whose ability to carry out missions under any conditions has made him a legend. He's saved the world three times from the threat of bipedal, nuclear-armed mechs called Metal Gear. Currently he's working with the anti-Metal Gear group known as Philanthropy.

An unlockable Pliskin trophy is also available, featuring the following description:

A SEAL member who infiltrates the Big Shell to suppress a terrorist group threatening to destroy it. He joins forces with Raiden, a new recruit in the special-forces unit called FOXHOUND. Disguised in order to secretly infiltrate the Big Shell, Pliskin is actually Solid Snake.

Besides his various trophies, Solid Snake also has two stickers, one depicting his Twin Snakes artwork, and another, his Metal Gear Solid 2 artwork. The former is exclusive to Snake and increases his arm and leg attacks by 7, and the latter increases the affected characters' explosive attacks by 19.

On April 25, 2013, Brawl's Tier List updated to the current list, Snake is currently ranked 6th out of 38 and sits in the A- Tier alongside Fire Emblem's Marth and Star Fox's Falco, Marth is the highest, Snake sits in the middle, and Falco is the lowest, Among the competitive fanbase, Snake is considered to be one of the best fighters in Brawl.

Evolution Skateboarding

Solid Snake is a secret character in Evolution Skateboarding. To play as Solid Snake, beat the game 100% and collect all coins with the character Colin McKay. A demo of Snake and the Big Shell level are playable as a special feature in the PS2 version of Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance.

Boktai series

Boktai Snake

Snake, in Boktai 2: Solar Boy Django.

In Boktai 2: Solar Boy Django, Snake appears as "???," a character who has lost their memory. The player rescues him in the House of Time. Django tells him to go to Sun Avenue, where he sets up a shop. The player can then buy "Blindboxes" (weapons and items that Snake has picked up in random boxes so the player can't see what he or she is buying) from him. He also gives advice on where to go next, and gives the player titles. He also appears in Boktai 3: Sabata's Counterattack.

DreamMix TV World Fighters


Snake, with other characters from DreamMix TV World Fighters.

Snake is one of the fighters in DreamMix TV World Fighters, the fighting cross-company game between Konami, Hudson Soft, and Takara, appearing alongside mascots like Bomberman, Castlevania's Simon Belmont, and Optimus Prime. His appearance in the game is based on Metal Gear Solid 2 with his special moves consisting of only C4, which can be planted onto anything and detonated at will. Snake's stage is based on one of the connecting bridges of the Big Shell, with the Harrier II appearing and shooting the combatants. The music for this stage is a remix of the "Metal Gear Solid Main Theme", with a remix of "Yell 'Dead Cell'" playing when the Harrier appears. Snake also has alternate costumes like the Tuxedo, his Iroquois Pliskin alter ego, as well as one based on his original Metal Gear Solid appearance.


Snake's Pliskin alter ego was used in Snake Tale D: Dead Man Whispers.

Ape Escape 3

Solid Snake makes a non-canon appearance in Metal Gear Solid 3, specifically in the Snake vs. Monkey game, part of a promotional crossover between Konami's Metal Gear and Sony's Ape Escape series, which included a special mode in Ape Escape 3 called Mesal Gear Solid (the name is a pun on both the Japanese pronunciation of "metal" (metaru) and the Japanese word for monkey, saru). Here, Campbell too makes an appearance in a call, where he had to bring Snake out of vacation to capture mechanical monkeys that escaped a lab, much to Snake's dismay. Snake replies back that Campbell could have gotten Gabe or Sam (referring to Gabriel Logan and Sam Fisher, protagonists of the Syphon Filter and Splinter Cell series respectively, competitors of Metal Gear Solid in the stealth genre) to do the job, though is told that there were a number of reasons why Snake was chosen, one of them being that the lab scientist is a friend of Otacon's. Once Snake has completed all of his monkey capturing, Naked Snake can acquire a Monkey Mask. Although he is usually voiced by David Hayter in most of his appearances, including Snake vs. Monkey, he was voiced by Peter Lurie (the voice actor of Vulcan Raven in Metal Gear Solid).

New International Track & Field

Solid Snake appears as a playable character in Konami's sports video game New International Track & Field.


Sackboy dressed as Old Snake in LittleBigPlanet.


The "Metal Gear Solid" costume download for LittleBigPlanet allows Sackboy to dress up as Old Snake. The pack can be downloaded at the PlayStation Store for $5.99. Or by getting the Game of the Year edition of the game.


Monster Hunter Portable 3rd

In the PlayStation Portable game Monster Hunter Portable 3rd, the player can obtain a Solid Snake outfit for their Felyne Comrade. When the player character ducks, the Felyne Comrade also hides under a cardboard box.

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow

In Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, the player can add Solid Snake's bandana and Solid Eye to Gabriel Belmont's normal attire by going to the Extras menu, after completing the game.

"Michael" - PS3 Long Live Play

In this commercial, Solid Snake makes a cameo appearance, along with other iconic video game characters who have appeared prominently in the PlayStation consoles.


In the Japanese version of Scribblenauts for the Nintendo DS, both Solid Snake and Old Snake can be summoned. This is because Konami published the game in Japan.

LEGO Harry Potter Years 1-4

Although Solid Snake himself does not actually appear in the game, he is briefly referenced as an achievement/trophy in the Xbox 360/PS3 videogame. Playing as Snape and then putting a barrel over him will earn the achievement "Solid Snape," a pun on Solid Snake, and is likewise referencing his usage of the cardboard box in the series (although the overall item more closely resembles his usage of the drum can in Metal Gear Solid 4).

E3 Battle

Solid Snake appeared as a participant in the Konami-sponsored event E3 Battle, where he defeated Billy Jones, a.k.a., Bayou Billy from the 1988 game Mad City, AKA the Adventures of Bayou Billy in the first round. He then proceeded to face off against, and defeated, the Nurses from the Silent Hill series. Snake then fought against and defeated Solidus Snake in the third round, but was himself defeated by Naked Snake in the fourth round. He is the only character to utilize two different renders that represented him: One render was taken directly from one of his renders in Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, the other reused one of his renders for Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Metal Gear (1987)
Expert infiltrator. Possesses an IQ of 180 and fluent in six languages. Known to make the impossible, possible.
― Solid Snake's bio from E3 Battle

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier

Solid Snake himself does not appear in the game, but there is an achievement/trophy in this game that allude to the Metal Gear series. In guerrilla mode, if the player kills everyone during first wave stealthy, they will receive the achievement/trophy "Just a Box" referencing Snake's usage of the cardboard box in the series.

Battlefield: Bad Company

In one of the teaser trailers for this game, one of the characters, Sweetwater, notices a man with an eyepatch hiding in a barrel. One of his squadmates, Haggard, comments that hiding inside a barrel is as stupid as hiding in a cardboard box, Snake's signature hiding maneuver. Sweetwater also comments that the man might be part of a "Japanese thing" referencing the fact that Snake and the Metal Gear series are both of Japanese origin. Haggard then grabs another squadmate's grenade launcher and shoots the man out of the barrel. At the end, Haggard says he found an eyepatch, referencing Snake's Solid Eye. The trailer is called "Snake Eyes," referencing Snake's name.

Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII

In the story mode of the game, there is a mission called "Solid Cait." In this mission, the player plays as Cait Sith. They must sneak through the Mako Reactor 0 without being caught. A clear reference to Solid Snake.

Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory

In the town menu for Lastation, one of the NPCs is a character hiding in cardboard box with an orange pictured on it, a nod to the one Metal Gear Solid 2 had. Only a single eye is seen peeking out through a roughly punctured hole. In the English version, this NPC is named Snake Hayter.

Versus Battle

Solid Snake also appeared in Versus Battle, where he fought against Naked Snake.

The Most Decorated Snake, Warrior Extreme
Accelerated Aging, FOXDIE, Cigarettes
A cloned “son” of Big Boss, Solid Snake was the “brother” of fellow clones Liquid Snake and Solidus Snake, & ultimately battled them both
― Solid Snake bio in Versus Battle


Metal Gear Solid and The Twin Snakes

Metal Gear Solid 2

Metal Gear Solid 4


Action figures

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Персонажи Metal Gear
Протагонист Солид Снейк
Команда поддержки Биг БоссДженниферШнайдерДайан
Союзники Грей ФоксДраго МаднарЭллен Маднар
Боссы Стрелок † • Пулемётчик † • Кровавый Брэд † • Огнемётчик † • Грязная Утка † • Фантом Биг Босса
Персонажи Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake
Протагонист Солид Снейк
Команда поддержки Рой КэмпбеллКазухира МиллерДжордж КаслерЙохан Якобсен
Союзники Кио Марв † • Холли УайтГустава Хеффнер † • Чарли
Боссы Чёрный Ниндзя † • Бегущий Человек † • Красный Бластер † • Четыре Всадника † • Зло из джунглей † • Ночное Пугало † • Драго МаднарГрей ФоксБиг Босс
Персонажи Metal Gear Solid
Протагонист Солид Снейк
Команда поддержки Рой КэмпбеллНаоми ХантерМэй ЛинНаташа РоманенкоКазухира Миллер
Союзники Мерил СильвербёргХэл ЭммерихКиборг-Ниндзя
Боссы Револьвер ОцелотПсихо Мантис † • Снайпер Вульф † • Декой Октопус † • Вулкан Рейвен † • Ликвид Снейк
Остальные Кеннет Бейкер † • Дональд Андерсон † • Джонни СасакиДжим ХаусманДжордж Сирс
Персонажи Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
Протагонисты Солид СнейкРайден
Команда поддержки Рой КэмпбеллРозмариМэй Лин
Союзники Ирокез ПлискинХэл ЭммерихЭмма Эммерих † • Мистер Икс
Боссы Ольга Гурлюкович † • ВампФортуна † • Толстяк † • Солидус Снейк
Остальные Сергей Гурлюкович † • Скотт Дольф † • Питер СтиллманДжеймс Джонсон † • Ричард Эймс † • Джонни СасакиРозмари
Персонажи Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Протагонист Олд Снейк
Команда поддержки Хэл ЭммерихРой КэмпбеллРозмари
Союзники Санни ЭммерихМерил СильвербёргЭдДжонатанДжонни СасакиРайденДребин 893Наоми Хантер † • Биг Мама
Боссы Laughing OctopusRaging Raven † • Crying Wolf † • Screaming Mantis † • Вамп † • Ликвид Оцелот
Остальные Тело Биг Босса † • Мэй ЛинМаленький ДжонПсихо МантисЗеро † • Биг Босс
За сценой Солидус Снейк
  1. Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops, Kojima Productions (2006).
    Elisa/Ursula: Your children... Les Enfants Terribles. Snake [Big Boss], your son will bring the world to ruin, your son... will save the world."
  2. Metal Gear Solid, Konami Computer Entertainment Japan (1998).
    Master Miller (Liquid Snake): "A Native Alaskan American, huh? Probably Athapaskan. They're originally from the same tribe as the Apaches and Navajos of New Mexico. Anthropologically, they're related to the Japanese. There are even linguistic similarities between Athapaskan languages and ancient Japanese. You and he probably share many of the same ancestors." // Solid Snake: "...Master, I don't remember telling you that I was part Japanese..."
  3. Ошибка цитирования Неверный тег <ref>; для сносок aging tanker incident не указан текст
  4. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (script), Konami Computer Entertainment Japan (2001).
    Pliskin: The B-C connecting bridge. // Raiden: We need to get there. Can you handle it? // Pliskin: I need a few more minutes. // Pliskin is pretending to be worse off than he is. He intends to go separate ways from Raiden, then keep him under surveillance to ascertain if he can be trusted. Explanations to come later (standard radio).
  5. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, Konami Computer Entertainment Japan (2001).
    Pliskin described having to "go into first person" to locate it, referring to the game's First Person View.
  6. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (script), Konami Computer Entertainment Japan (2001)
    Raiden, remembering Snake, looks around for him. // Raiden: Snake? // Snake has already vanished. Otacon is not in sight, but Emma’s parrot can be seen taking off. // (Snake and Otacon have already departed in Otacon’s car.)
  7. Metal Gear Solid, Konami Computer Entertainment Japan (1998).
    Solid Snake: Gray Fox...I can't believe it...But the real problem is your niece [Roy Campbell]. The way the Codec got cut off like that has me worried. Something must have happened to her... // Naomi Hunter: You're worried? About Meryl!? // Snake: Not exactly. It's just that she's holding the detonation code override keys. They're our last chance of stopping that nuclear launch. // Naomi: You're a cold man. Your mission is more important than the life of your companions? // Snake: This is war. Survival is the name of the game. Sometimes you have to be cold to survive. // Naomi: Yes, but...
  8. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty Konami Computer Entertainment Japan (2001).
    Raiden: Pliskin, SEAL Team 10 Bravo Team's been wiped out... // Iroquois Pliskin (Solid Snake): Is that right. // Raiden: Is that all you have to say? I thought they were your comrades! // Pliskin: Yeah. Too Bad. // Raiden: Too Bad!? Did you know that they were used as a decoy to support my infiltration? // Pliskin: No. But it doesn't surprise me. // Raiden: Man! You're cold! They were your friends! // Pliskin: What do you want me to say! That you killed them!? Or do you want me to say it wasn't your fault!? // Raiden: I jus -- // Pliskin: Listen, kid. I don't have the time to wet-nurse you or provide you with a shoulder to cry on! You got a problem with your conscience, you take care of it! Don't bother me!
  9. Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, Konami Computer Entertainment (1990).
    Snake: It doesn't have to be that way. I'm not like you. I love life!
  10. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, Konami Computer Entertainment Japan (2001)
    Otacon: Remember what Naomi said about lung cancer rates? Everyone knows that it's a dangerous substance. // Snake: So's war, and I've done that all my life.
    This comment was made in an optional Codec conversation during the Tanker Incident in 2007, regarding Snake's smoking habits.
  11. 11,0 11,1 11,2 11,3 Metal Gear Solid, Konami Computer Entertainment Japan (1998).
    Solid Snake: What's that mark? // Meryl Silverburgh: Huh? Oh, this? It's a paint tattoo. It's not real. I was a fan of FOX-HOUND way back. When guys like you and my uncle [Roy Campbell] were in it. None of that gene therapy like there is today. You guys were real heroes. // Snake: There are no heroes in war. All the heroes I know are either dead... or in prison. One or the other. // Meryl: But Snake. You're a hero. Aren't you? // Snake: I'm just a man who's good at what he does. Killing. There's no winning or losing for a mercenary. The only winners in war are the people. // Meryl: That's right. And you fight for the people. // Snake: I never fought for anyone but myself. I've got no purpose in life. No ultimate goal. // Meryl: Come on. // Snake: It's only when I'm cheating death on the battlefield. The only time I feel truly alive. // Meryl: Seeing other people die makes you feel alive, huh? You love war, and don't want it to stop... Is it the same with all great soldiers throughout history?
  12. 12,0 12,1 Metal Gear Solid, Konami Computer Entertainment Japan (1998).
    Liquid Snake: Ha! You lie! So why are you here then? Why do you continue to follow your orders while your superiors betray you? Why did you come here? // Solid Snake: ...... // Liquid: Well... I'll tell you then. You enjoy all the killing, that why. // Snake: What! // Liquid: Are you denying it? Haven't you already killed most of my comrades? // Snake: That was... // Liquid: I watched your face when you did it. It was filled with the joy of battle. // Snake: You're wrong! // Liquid: There's a killer inside you... You don't have to deny it. We were created to be that way.
  13. Metal Gear Solid, Konami Computer Entertainment Japan (1998).
    Psycho Mantis: I've seen true evil. You [Solid] Snake. You're just like the Boss [Liquid]... No, you're worse. Compared to you, I'm not so bad.
  14. Metal Gear Solid, Konami Computer Entertainment Japan (1998).
    Naomi Hunter: ...Why did you go so far out of your way to save her? For Campbell's sake... or... maybe it's because you like her? // Solid Snake: I don't want to see any woman die right in front of me. // Naomi: Oh really? Since when did anybody's death bother you so much? // Colonel Campbell: Naomi! It's true that Snake has killed a lot of people, that doesn't mean he doesn't have a heart. // Solid Snake: It's okay, Colonel... she's right.
  15. Metal Gear Solid, Konami Computer Entertainment Japan (1998).
    Naomi Hunter: ...Friends? // Solid Snake: ...Frank Jaeger // Naomi: But... didn't you try to kill each other? // Snake: That's true. We did. In Zanzibar [Land]. But it was nothing personal. We were just professionals on opposite sides, that's all. // Naomi: And you still call yourselves friends? // Snake: Hard to believe? War is no reason to end a friendship.
  16. Metal Gear Solid, Konami Computer Entertainment Japan (1998).
    Otacon? I wanna ask you... Do you think love can bloom even on a battlefield? // Solid Snake: Yeah...I do. I think at any time, any place... people can fall in love with each other.
  17. Metal Gear Solid, Konami Computer Entertainment Japan (1998).
    Vulcan Raven: Rejoice, Snake! Ours will be a glorious battle. Solid Snake: This isn't glorious. It's just plain killing. Violence isn't a sport!
  18. Metal Gear Solid, Konami Computer Entertainment Japan (1998).
    Solid Snake: I told you, even if I do owe you I don't owe anything to this army or this country! // Colonel Campbell: You will accept this assignment! // Snake: Why should I be stupid enough to do that? I'm no patriot.
  19. Metal Gear Solid, Konami Computer Entertainment Japan (1998).
    Nastasha Romanenko: The current president [George Sears/Solidus Snake] has yet had any foreign policy successes. His term will be up soon, and the word at the White House is that he desperately wants this one [the START III treaty] for the history books. // Solid Snake: Typical politician. // Nastasha: It's a big concern for him and his supporters.
  20. Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, Konami Corporation (1990).
    Holly White: What's wrong? // Solid Snake: I... didn't think you'd be this pretty. // Holly: What, you thought I'd be ugly? // Snake: I should have met up with you sooner.
  21. Metal Gear Solid, Konami Computer Entertainment Japan (1998).
    Naomi Hunter: Well, if you make it back in one piece, maybe I'll let you do a strip search on me. // Solid Snake: I'll hold you to that, Doctor.
  22. Metal Gear Solid, Konami Computer Entertainment Japan (1998).
    Solid Snake: ...I just didn't expect a world-class designer of military technology to be so...cute. // Mei Ling: You're just flattering me... // Snake: No, I'm serious. Now I know I won't be bored for the next 18 hours.
  23. Metal Gear Solid, Konami Computer Entertainment Japan (1998).
    Solid Snake: I will save Meryl, no matter what it takes!
  24. Metal Gear Solid, Konami Computer Entertainment Japan (1998).
    Solid Snake: I lived here a long time... But Alaska has never looked so beautiful. The sky... the sea... the caribou... and most of all...You...
  25. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty Konami Computer Entertainment Japan (2001).
    Otacon: Try to avoid confrontations. Our goal is to collect evidence on Metal Gear development and expose it to the world. It would be best if you could get out of there without alerting anyone. // Snake: Don't worry. I know the drill -- we're not terrorists.
  26. Snake survives passing over an electrified floor in Metal Gear, and being set on fire after destroying Metal Gear D in Metal Gear 2.
  27. Snake withstands extensive electrical torture by Revolver Ocelot in Metal Gear Solid.
  28. Snake successfully evades cannon fire from an M1 Abrams tank in Metal Gear Solid, and gunshots from a sniper rifle (Metal Gear Solid), a revolver (Metal Gear Solid), and a ballistic knife (Metal Gear Solid 2), the latter of which impressed Olga Gurlukovich as he was the first to do so. His forearm was also badly cut by Vamp, causing him significant blood loss, but Snake recuperates within a short period of time.
  29. Ошибка цитирования Неверный тег <ref>; для сносок MG manual не указан текст
  30. Ошибка цитирования Неверный тег <ref>; для сносок MG2 manual не указан текст
  31. Metal Gear Solid (Japanese manual), Konami Computer Entertainment Japan (1998).
  32. 32,0 32,1 Metal Gear Solid 4 Database ("Cigarette"), Kojima Productions (2008).
  33. Metal Gear Solid, Konami Computer Entertainment Japan (1998).
    Nastasha Romanenko: Snake, that room is set with infrared sensors. You should be able to see them if you had some smoke... cigarette smoke or something. // Solid Snake: Sorry, but these are smokeless cigarettes. // Nastasha: You mean those cigarettes that are designed to cut down on second- hand smoke? Oh well. don't worry... If you blow the smoke in the direction of the infra-red sensors, you should be able to see them.
  34. Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, Konami Corporation (1990).
    Drago Pettrovich Madnar: Gustava is a woman. Why not set up an ambush someplace that only a woman would go? Like the ladies' restroom...Over and out.
  35. Metal Gear Solid, Konami Computer Entertainment Japan (1998).
    Solid Snake: Colonel, I saw your niece, but... // Roy Campbell: Really? Where? // Snake: She went in the ladies' bathroom. That's strange. I saw her go in, but now she's nowhere to be found. // Campbell: You'll just have to look in the stalls, I guess. // Snake: I guess you're right. I'll take em in order.
    This was omitted in the remake, due to the gameplay element of checking stalls being integrated into a full-length cutscene.
  36. Metal Gear Solid, Konami Computer Computer Entertainment Japan (1998).
    Otacon: Did you find Meryl? // Solid Snake: Sort of. I'm positive I saw here come into the bathroom, but... Otacon: There's only one exit, right? // Snake: Yeah. // Otacon: Well then she must still be in there. Is there any place she might be hiding in there?
    This was omitted in the remake, due to the gameplay element of checking stalls being integrated into a full-length cutscene.
  37. Metal Gear Solid, Konami Computer Entertainment Japan (1998).
    Nastasha Romanenko: Snake, that is a woman's bathroom! You should not be in there! // Solid Snake: But I saw Meryl go in here. // Nastasha: Even so, Snake! // Snake: This is our only chance to talk alone together, I was sure she was in here...
  38. Metal Gear Solid, Konami Computer Entertainment Japan (1998).
    Mei Ling: Snake! That's a ladies bathroom! // Solid Snake: I know that. I saw Meryl come in here. // Mei Ling: So you went in after her!? Are you some kind of pervert!? I won't let you save your mission now! // Snake: Listen Mei Ling, this is the only place on this base that I can talk to Meryl alone! // Mei Ling: Whatever, weirdo! Don't call me again!
  39. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, Konami Computer Entertainment Japan (2001).
    Iroquois Pliskin (Solid Snake): Raiden, where are you? // Raiden: I... um... I... // Pliskin: What're you embarrassed about? You're on a mission... anything goes! // Raiden: Pliskin... // Pliskin: I've snuck into similar places in the past myself... // Raiden: Huh...?
    This Codec conversion takes place in the women's bathroom at the Strut C Dining Hall after Raiden has found Peter Stillman.
  40. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, Kojima Productions (2008).
    This is revealed in a Codec conversation between Snake and Otacon (Act 2).
  41. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (script), Konami Computer Entertainment Japan (2001).
    Otacon: I hitched a ride on Link-16 into the U.S. military’s proprietary network. I managed to get into that workstation and overwrote a part of the system software so I could remote-install a little app I wrote... // Snake: (complete dummy when it comes to computers) Why bother with anything that complicated – // Otacon: No, it’s pretty simple, really. Look, all you have to do is stand in front of that machine and push the Action button. The app will automatically launch and download the image data from the camera, split the files and encrypt them individually. The data packets can then masquerade as – // Snake: (Impatient with all the techno babble, interrupts Otacon) OK, OK. So all I have to do is push the Action button in front of the computer once I have the pictures, right?
  42. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (script), Konami Computer Entertainment Japan (2001).
    Raiden: Snake, what’s your situation over there? // Snake: Emma seems to be uh... doing something to GW’s defensive capabilities. All we need now is your disc. (He really doesn’t understand what she’s doing)
  43. Metal Gear Solid by Raymond Benson, Del Rey Books (2008).
    "The president turned back to the window. “Well, is the project finally going to succeed?” he asked. “This is, what, the ninth try?” // “Have faith, Mister President,” Dr. Clark said. “I corrected the genetic code in the last batch. I also made sure that the surrogate mother possessed certain genetic latches, if you will, that could connect with those of Big Boss.”
  44. Metal Gear Solid by Raymond Benson, Del Rey Books (2008).
    "Even when as a child, he had acknowledged the fact that he was different from others his age. He was already sufficiently distinguished from his con-temporaries in that he did not know his parents and had grown up with and been educated by a variety of foster “teachers.” And he'd been training to be a soldier since early childhood."
  45. Metal Gear Solid by Raymond Benson, Del Rey Books (2008).
    "They were standing in the middle of Kiddieland, a small, privately owned theme park in the small town in Oregon where [Snake] had spent the first ten years of his life. He had visited Kiddieland at least once a week during the summer months, when the place was always open. When he wasn’t “training.”"
  46. Metal Gear Solid Guns of the Patriots novelization by Project Itoh (English, 2012)
  47. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty by Raymond Benson, Del Rey Books (2009).
    "Snake crept out of the door and onto the deck, slithered along the wall, and crouched out of sight so that he could listen in on the conversation. A man's voice sputtered through her radio. Snake assumed it was the leader, the older man he had seen earlier. They spoke Russian-the courses Snake had taken at FOXHOUND came in handy."
  48. Metal Gear Solid Guns of the Patriots by Project Itoh (English), Viz Media (2012).
    Snake recognized the words. They were Czech. When he was younger and a member of special ops, his training took place in the shadow of the end of the Cold War. Naturally, his studies included Slavic languages.
  49. 49,0 49,1 49,2 49,3 49,4 Metal Gear Solid Official Mission Handbook, Millennium Books (1998).
  50. Metal Gear Solid Guns of the Patriots by Project Itoh (English), Viz Media (2012).
  51. 51,0 51,1 "Hideo Kojima: Game Guru, Movie Maniac," by Steven Kent, Gamers Today (1999).
    The reason I used Snake as code name in MG was snake was the most appropriate symbol of living thing that hides his presence, (cont)
    hides his presence, & sneaks w/o any noise. The reason I didn't make any specific snake like cobra, anaconda, viper was because(cont)
    (cont) because the protagonist is the player. The reason I use SOLID was to give opposite impression of soft image.
  55. Hideo Kojima, PAX Prime 2012.
    Hideo Kojima: Snake is the character in the game, but really Snake is you [...] Snake as a character has his roots in the 2D game. He was a pretty ambiguous character, didn't have much personality. We wanted to play with that so that's how he developed.
  56. Junker HQ
  57. The Terminator imitated by the games
  58. Metal Gear - User's Manual, Konami Corporation (1987).
    The intruder of this time is a rookie soldier named Solid Snake who joined FOX HOUND [sic] quite recently. His mission is to locate the whereabouts of Grey Fox [sic], find out the identity of Metal Gear and destroy it. Solid Snake is sent to his first battlefield with nothing but a wireless radio at his hand.
  61. 61,0 61,1 Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater director's commentary. Ошибка цитирования Неверный тег <ref>: название «Commentary 1» определено несколько раз для различного содержимого
  62. The Document of Metal Gear Solid 2, Konami Computer Entertainment Japan (2002).
    Making of Metal Gear Solid 2
  63. [1]
  64. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (script), Konami Computer Entertainment Japan (2001).
    Raiden regains his composure and turns the gun on the wounded man. // Man (Pliskin): Hold on, I’m not an enemy. Calm down. // Raiden’s aim remains unwavering. // Man (Pliskin): My name is S... // He (Pliskin) is about to state his name, then checks himself and searches around for a false one. // Man (Pliskin): Pliskin. Iroquois Pliskin. Lieutenant Junior Grade. // Raiden does not answer. The man pulls off his balaclava with one hand to reveal a head of blonde hair and the face of a man in his 50’s. His face is stubbled; there is no bandana is sight. His appearance approximates that of Liquid Snake in the last title. Raiden continues to stare him down.
  65. [2]
  66. "TGS '07: Kojima speaks", GameSpot UK, 2007.
  67. 67,0 67,1
  70. Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Plus, Kojima Productions (2007)
    Roy Campbell: [...] Oh, that reminds me… We’ve got a new member on our team -- older guy, kinda reminds me of Snake…